OROCRM™ is an open-source project that aims to provide a large range of solutions for people/businesses interested in eCommerce, marketing, and project management; the project is presented by the company as “a solution for multichannel companies, with built-in marketing tools”.1 The platform contains many tools and third-party FOSS to make the experience more enjoyable and smoother for the user.
The project is mainly maintained by Oro, Inc. A U.S. based company that focuses on open-source business applications devolvement. The company started in 2012 and is already doing a great job with the three main projects (OroPlatform – OroCRM- OroCommerce). The goal is to bring cutting-edge technical expertise and technologies in web application and business software development and integration.2
Git presentation:3
"OroCRM is an open-source PHP Client Relationship Management (CRM) application that allows creating a 360° view of your customers across multiple channels, organize the sales pipeline, manage account and contact information, communicate with customers, run marketing campaigns and track campaign performance."
The front-end user interface of the platform is user-friendly and easy to handle. In addition to this, there is already a demo version of this project that can be found on the official website of the company, a good way to try the platform and play with its functionalities.
The question of why I’m doing this project is quite hard to answer for many reasons when @utopian-io launched a call for all the moderators to write a contribution to speak about their thoughts in relation with @utopian-io and the open-source community/culture. I started to write an article for my community, and one of the few questions that I tried to answer this question “How can we; as humans, conceive doing something just for the greater good?”. A hard question to answer.
Is doing something for free a key factor in defining a true dedication for a community or an idea? or it is more like a question of values and the amount of intellect and time invested to do good? I can argue that the architecture of the world of today can lead us to see idealism as some kind of illusion, a country for the weakest, for people who can’t face reality; yet, I have always wondered why it was so difficult to exercise and apply an idealistic model of working, it must be us! which lead me to my next point.
In my time working as a language manager, I came to a few conclusions that I already pointed out in my article (Not yet published). One of those conclusions is that the open-source culture is not really for everyone. Thanks to the few events that happened lately, we had an idea and a distilled conclusion at the same time. The neural system of @utopian-io is highly dependent on the incentives. A huge drawback in my opinion, especially when incentives are seen as granted. Our utopian community is basically the ideal case model to study the human nature and behaviors. There is a clear clash between the idealistic idea that @utopian-io is trying to work with, and the realism of the human emotions; which lead us to see this situation as two parallel and infinite dogmas.
Oro, a leading global provider of open-source business platforms focusing on CRM and B2B e-Commerce has today announced $12 million in funding from Highland Europe. Oro has been bootstrapped to date and this first investment will accelerate the development of Oro’s flagship products and help to further drive international expansion in sales, marketing and partner development.4
Theoretically, I am quite sure that any initiative based in an open-source environment, will always have the same issues that we are having here in @utopian-io, the clash of dogmas will always be there because incentives/monetary resources are like the raw materials in these cases. I did bring @utopian-io in the presentation of this project because, in some ways, we share the same fate and destiny, we are working for the same goals; and for sure, we are paying the same price for daring to empower a semi-idealistic idea.
Well, why I’m here? I’m playing the role of the dragon's teeth (Drachenzähne) against those waves of realism! … This is just a granular contribution compared to the whole matrix of the open-source world.
I will not lie if I say that I am not too optimistic about the idea of people around the world coming to this page to read this contribution and enjoy the presentation. This is why I’m having a realistic approach to the architecture of this contribution. My main goal in the presentation is to provide all the necessary information for the reviewer and for the reader. In addition to this, I am trying to bring value and consistency to the work that I am doing. Because according to @elear,5 the work that we are doing here goes beyond the simple act of translating few strings. It is important when trying to reach a broader audience to focus on the genuineness and the values that a project can bring to the open-source community.
Nonetheless, I do believe that presenting a very good presentation that reflects the hard work is something to be done despite any other strategic foresight. Doing so is a sign of respect for the language moderator responsible for the reviewing process, but most importantly, it shows a deep respect for the community and its values.
In this contribution, I tried to do my best to take into account the meaning of the strings according to what people or a lambda person can understand, but without undermining the administrative and operational aspects of the project. Too much simplification can cause a huge loss of precision; thus, a right balance must be found to keep the terminological precision of the source language. Dealing with such a project certainly requires from the translator a small dedication and implication to really understand the terminology according to the adequate field, which is in this case; economy, eCommerce, marketing, management, and administration.
Thankfully, the official website of the company proposes a demo version for people to try(B2B/eCommerce/Multi-channel), factor key to the translation accuracy. But I think that this is not enough, in few other projects, especially the projects that are available for use such as FreeCAD, the availability of the software doesn’t mean that the translation will be easy. A translator is always on a journey to learn something new. A professional agent can take over a year just to master a tool or a specific software. Logically, the translator will need to be as dedicated as the professional agent to present a genuine work.
In addition to this, I must say that I was not able to find all the words directly on the different platforms. To overcome this problem, I did many kinds of research on the web to find the right meaning. I don’t think the platforms will propose a definition of each term used on the website, for the reason that the people who are going to use such platforms are already well/partially rounded in the field. A translator will without any doubt need to work with any project with a mindset of a researcher. I am well aware that this a very agonizing thing to do, very tedious; yet, this is the price that we must pay for authenticity. With time people will need to learn how to appreciate their work, especially if the process of doing so can help them to acquire knowledge.
![Proof of Brain.png](https://steemitimages.com/640x0/https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmaqf4PVpQEMcjSUKDkmagjmsFZdZtvynn6LB8bWeP7HCo/Proof%20of%20Brain.png)
In this section, you can see some kind of logs I used to print each time more information was needed to understand the functionality of some concepts/terms/words. This will also allow the reviewer and readers to clearly understand the nature of some choices that I made in some strings, and hopefully, to encourage any discussion about the betterment of the translation if needed.
On top of this, I’m sure that everyone can benefit from some information printed here. I actually did learn many things, and I hope the people who are going to read this contribution will feel the same as I did … smarter!
The information that I printed here must serve only as a guide to follow up my translation issues logs. If you want more information about these logs, I suggest you check the links at end of this contribution.
[Terminological ambiguity]
I faced some problem with the word country, yes! For consistency and precision, I wanted to choose only one word, either (البلد) or (الدولة). In the end, I did choose to go with (الدولة) because of its definition that gives a clear importance to the political aspect, that a country is a political entity.
We had some problems before in this project because of (Hard Bounces) and (Soft Bounces), this is why we decided before to go with a specific term/ definition for each concept:6
رفض دائم للإستقبال/للإرسال (Hard Bounces)
رفض مؤقت للإستقبال/للإرسال (Soft Bounces)
The issue with the Arabic language is the fact that very simple words (name prefix) can be very hard to translate. 7 The translators can always try to find the right meaning, or a closer one, in most cases, this will do. But the is always an exception to the rule, I find it very interesting to dig deeper to see if there is any additional information that can be found. Although the information available on the net can be very abundant, I am on the other side, highly interested in the studies done by academic linguists and researchers on practical and theoretical lexicography. To make everything short, here is a segment that may interest you:8
"... أما إذا كان المصطلح يتألف من مقطعين أو أكثر فإنه يطلق على المقطع الأول اسم بادئة أو سابقة (Preffixe)، ويطلق على المقطع الثاني اسم لاحقة، أو كاسعة (suffixe)، أما إذا توسط بين البادئة واللاحقة مقطع واحد أو أكثر، فيطلق عليه اسم داخلة (infixe) ... وهناك الفاض تضاف لجذر الكلمة اسما كانت أو صفة أو فعلا، في أولها أو في آخرها فتعطيها معنى آخر، وتدعى لاصقة."
Another ambiguity that is yet to be totally solved. In Arabic, translators tend to use (الزبون) and (العميل) to describe the word (customer). I found out that some translators actually did not like the word (العميل) because of its meaning can be misleading. Indeed, this word in Arabic can mean many things related to the military intelligence service/agency such as (subversive, spy, secret agent, undercover agent, operative, informant …). Yet, I decided to go with (العميل) because the term is already established in many other concepts like (consumer leads); nonetheless, there is always room for improvement, I am more than ready to start any discussion to clear up this entry.9 10 11 12 13
[Context hunting]
Grammatical article (The) ambiguity when the translation is done. It was very hard to find the right translation for the Arabic language, especially in standalone strings. This is why it was very hard to find the right context, or when should we use: e.g. (معرف) instead of (المعرف). But thankfully, I was able to find a way around it by playing a bit with the available demo version available on the official project website ... any feedback from the community about this issue is welcome.
Magento is an open-source e-commerce platform written in PHP. The platform is mainly owned by Magento, Inc.14
On the web, you can find that the definition of salesforce is “Number of salespersons employed and managed directly by a firm”.15 The concept isn’t really hard, be if you take this case out of the field of economy, the meaning will drastically change; thus, a proper and faithful documentation was needed to coin the concept in Arabic.
“Cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like computer operating systems”.16
“MailChimp is a marketing automation platform and an email marketing service and a trading name of its operator”. 12
A software development company based in the USA. The company offers a cloud-based customer service platform, including ticketing, self-service, and customer support. The company was founded in 2007. 17
Piwik (now called Matomo) is a free and open-source cross-platform software for measuring web statistics, the project now is maintained and developed by Matomo.18
SKU: Stock keeping unit.19
CRM: Customer relationship management.20
B2B: Business-to-business.21
OBE: Order of the British Empire.22
In some strings, I had to add and keep a few additional words just to keep the correct format for the string. 23 20
- This is my first contribution in the translation category.
- It took more time preparing the contribution than the translation itself.
- Even though I posted this contribution, I can’t stop myself thinking that I didn’t do enough to enhance the quality.
- I only counted the post moderation words, in order to avoid any confusion.
- Every time I re-check the translation, I found out that something needs to be fixed or pointed out in the presentation, I’m sure that the reviewer will do even better than me. A clear proof that there will be always a merge of human error in any work, perfection lies in the hands of all of us.
- The number of duplicates is quite high in this project, a bit annoying to count them accurately.
- Few are those who are really doing things to improve the image of the Arab community on Steemit, few are already doing a great job on this platform by dedicating a huge part of their life developing new/challenging ideas. In preparing this contribution, I tried to do my best to share a decent work, a work that can reflect an honest dedication. I tried to go beyond the incentives, it is not an easy thing to fight the inner self, to believe that the work done here can in any way serve for something greater. but I have always believed that if someone truly believes in something, the best thing that he can do to express his belief genuinely, is by acting upon it.
(1) https://oroinc.com/careers/dnipro-ukraine/development/job/front-end-developer-oro
(2) https://github.com/oroinc/crm
(3) https://www.highlandeurope.com/press/2016/3/3/oro-raises-12m-of-growth-funding-from-highland-europe
(4) https://steemit.com/ceodiary/@elear/a-ceo-diary-2-utopian-vision-which-problems-utopian-is-trying-to-solve
(5) https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@khaled-dz/translation-orocrm-into-arabic-part12-637-word
(6) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stock_keeping_unit
(7) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Customer_relationship_management
(8) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business-to-business
(9) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stock_keeping_unit
(10) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_the_British_Empire
(11) http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/sales-force.html
(12) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magento
(13) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MailChimp
(14) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron
(15) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matomo
(16) https://crowdin.com/translate/oro-crm/984/en-ar#43157
(17) رجاء وحيد دويدري. المصطلح العلمي في اللغة العربية: عمقه التراثي وبعده المعاصر. سورية. دمشق. دار الفكر. 2010.ص.129
(18) https://books.google.dz/books?id=D8EmDwAAQBAJ&pg
(20) https://crowdin.com/translate/oro-crm/1077/en-ar#42168
(21) https://crowdin.com/translate/oro-crm/1077/en-ar#42189
(22) blog.hotmart.com/ar/العميل-المحتمل-lead/
(23) kcpa.ly/مصطلحات-الفرق-بين-العميل-و-الزبون-و-الف/
(24) http://www.wata.cc/forums/showthread.php?7880-Client-v-Customer
(25) bayt.com/fr/specialties/q/31939/ماهو-الفرق-بين-العميل-والزبون-والمستهلك-والمشتري/
(26) bayt.com/fr/specialties/q/3801/ما-الفرق-بين-الزبون-و-العميل/
W.C | Duplicates.Codes | F.W.C | T.W.C | P.% | Completion time | Cont.Num |
~2013 | ~190 | ~1823 | 3363 | 74 | 9-1/9-17 | 1 |
Hi Victor,
Thank you for this contribution and the effort made to understand the basic functionalities and basic concepts of a CRM in order to submit such high-quality translations.
Because this is an opensource project and since OroCrm is targeted to all type of businesses, I am also glad that you have stroke a balance in the complexity of translation so that both normal users and administrative/operative people can understand without losing the business meanings since we can expect anyone from any background to download it and start using it to manage customer relations.
Concerning the post, I find it quite elaborative and excellent, and aside from the typos or styling notes I have shared with you on Discord, everything is great!
Concerning the project :
Concerning the review, because I was not able to be granted neither the translator or proofreader role I hovered over translation strings in order to review this post. I have also made use of the demo https://demo.orocrm.com/desktop/account to check and make a better review. Other than the notes shared with you via Discord, I can say that you did a great work in terms of quality.
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