Project Details
I have translated part (Social>components>webui properties) of exo platform from eng (US) to urdu(india).This part of project is about web related properties.I have translated the project to make it easily readable to urdu knowing people and oher people should also have the same motive of helping people of different languages eaaily extract the benefits of this project in their native languages
Links related to the translation
Github project link
Crowdin profile link
Crowdin project link
Crowdin activity limk
Source Language
English (US)
Translated Language
Urdu (India)
Number Of Words translated
1211 out of 2755. (part 1).Part 2 under process
Proofread Words
1211 words
Previous translation on the same project
Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any):
3000 words
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