Electronics Simulations #6| Basics of the circuit simulation software "Caneda", how to build circuits and scope them.

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)

What Will I Learn?

In this tutorial, reader:

  • will learn basics of circuit simulator "Caneda"
  • will learn how to construct circuits in "Caneda"
  • will learn how to simulate&observe circuits in "Caneda"



To complete the tutorial, readers would have:

  • basic knowledge about circuit design
  • Windows / Linux PC
  • Caneda software


  • Basic

Tutorial Contents

In this tutorial, I am going to show the basic concepts of the Caneda circuit simulator and show how to do simulations&observations by constructed a simple RC circuit in the software. Lets begin with the basics.

- Episode 1: Opening screen & basic functions

Opening screen of the software is given below:


In "1": We have main toolbar. It has many functions, as examples: reader can create new projects, save them or begin the simulation.
In "2": We have components browser. This is the part that circuit components live. Reader should select desired component for the circuit.
In "3": We have folder browser. Reader can find saved circuits and implement them by using this table.

When reader clicks to circled button(which is "New" button), and select "schematic file", workspace that the reader will work appears. Functions of the other file extensions will be explained in other parts of the tutorials.


- Episode 2: Constructing a simple RC circuit

In order to construct a simple RC circuit, we need to find corresponding components in the "Components Browser" tab. We simply need a capacitor,resistor and an AC voltage source. Reader should find it whether by using the "Search.." segment or manually.


The reader should double click on "Capacitor" and place it into workspace as shown above. When you put a component and double click it, properties window will appear as follows:


To construct the circuit we also need a resistor and an AC voltage source as said before. To put them we need same operation. For the resistor we need to type "Resistor" and for the AC source, we need to type "Voltage Source Sinusoidal" (please note that those are my choices, you can put different components for different circuits.) and put them as we have done in the capacitor case. Then, we can change their parameters by just double clicking them.


To wire them, we can whether select "Wire" button at the main toolbar or just by pressing "w" and connected them. Then, we need to add "Ground" to our circuit as in the case for the other components.


Finally we have constructed the circuit.

- Episode 3: Simulation of the circuit

In order to simulate the constructed circuit, first step is to choose simulation type from "Components Browser". For this tutorial we will to "transient simulation" to check voltages and the currents. Reader can check the types of simulation from "Components Browser".
We need to put "Transient simulation" from "Simulations" and place it to our circuit. As in the case of components, parameters are adjustable by just double-clicking them. I have set the total simulation type 1miliseconds and other parameters are shown below:


And as a last step, we need to add "Port Symbol" for the quantities that we want to measure. "Port Symbol" can be added just like components case. I have named them as "Input" and "Output". Now we are ready to simulate. Final structure of the circuit is shown below:


(please note that I have adjusted resistance as 1K and capacitance as 1e-6)

In order to simulate, we need to save the circuit from the main toolbar. After saving,we just need to click "Simulate" button on the main toolbar. When we click it, simulation will be done in seconds.


Reader can change the scope limits by just scroll up/down buttons, and zoom by just drawing rectangles with mouse. In the "Displayed Waveforms" reader can disable undesired voltage&current components.

I have provided the save file for the tutorial here

This software is really user-friendly & effective for the one who wants to make simulation. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me on Discord (Escorn#4114)


I have provided the previous tutorials that I have prepared for the community:

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