Electronics Simulations #9| Implementation of op-amps and construction of differentiator on Caneda

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)

What Will I Learn?

In this tutorial, reader:

  • will learn basic concept of op-amps
  • will learn working principle of differentiation
  • will learn implementation of op-amps in Caneda



To complete the tutorial, readers would have:

  • basic knowledge about circuit design
  • basic knowledge about operational amplifiers
  • basic knowledge about Caneda software


  • Intermediate

Tutorial Contents

In this tutorial, I am going to construct a differentiator by the help of operational amplifiers(op-amp) and will investigate its basic functions and properties by the help of a circuit simulator software which is called "Caneda". First, I am going to show how to construct circuit, and as a second step I will investigate the circuit and make some comments about it. Let me start with construction part.

- Episode 1: Construction of Differentiator with Op-amp

Before moving into the circuit construction, I want to give short information about operational amplifiers.

"What is Operational Amplifier ?"


Source of the circuit

Operational amplifiers are linear devices that have all the properties required for nearly ideal DC amplification and are therefore used extensively in signal conditioning, filtering or to perform mathematical operations such as add, subtract, integration and differentiation.

Op-amps generally consists of three terminals, which are "Inverted Input (-)" , "Non-inverted Input(+)" and an "Output". They are very important components such that most of the Integrated Circuits(IC) are composed of them.

If reader want to use it on the software, he/she needs to find it from "Active" under Components Browser. When an op-amp placed the workspace and double clicked, properties window will appear as follows:


In here, reader can change corresponding parameters as desired. The differentiator circuit schematic that I am going to construct is given below:


Source of the circuit

Working principle of the circuit is stated below.

Operational amplifier circuit performs the mathematical operation of Differentiation, that is it “produces a voltage output which is directly proportional to the input voltage’s rate-of-change with respect to time“. In other words the faster or larger the change to the input voltage signal, the greater the input current, the greater will be the output voltage change in response, becoming more of a “spike” in shape.

So, it basically differentiates the input, and to test, I have constructed the circuit as follows:


In order to construct the circuit, reader should check my previous tutorials about the software from here,here and here.
I highly recommend that reader should check previous tutorial before moving into it.

- Episode 2: Simulation & Observation of the circuit
In order to simulate, we need transient simulation command, which I have already plugged into the circuit in episode 1. All we need to do is to save the circuitry, and click simulate button.

Results of the circuit is given below:


When one focus on the graph, it is obvious that when the input is sine wave, output is a atteunated cosine wave which is exactly differentiation of the input. The only loss is the atteunation, which can be tolerated by changing the parameters. So our circuit work as we wanted and we have proven it.

For the one who wants to work with the circuit that I have construct here, I have uploaded corresponding circuit files here.
I highly recommend the reader that you should follow the instructions carefully and try to understand the logic behind the circuit while construct it on the software. This is very important issue before moving into further tutorials.

This is the end of the tutorial. Please note that Caneda is a software that which is really user-friendly & effective for the one who wants to make simulation. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me on Discord (Escorn#4114)


Sources for the Operational Amplifiers

Sources for the Differentiator


I have provided the previous tutorials that I have prepared for the community:

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