Another Mention Tool For Steem | 一个Steem回复提醒工具

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)

Steem Mention


What is the project about?

SteemMention is another steem mention tool. This tool can give you a mention by email when a new reply to you. I tried serveral tools to get replies before. But NO ONE is stable. So I make it again and also give a sample way to deploy it by yourself.

Technology Stack

  1. Symfony4 for the web page.
  2. SteemPython for the block watcher.


  1. Open the SteemMention and click Start.
  2. Input your email address which you want notify email sends to. Then click Get Authcode.
  3. Now you 'll get an email with authcode. If you don't get it, please check your spam box. The email server is my custom server. So your email service provider maybe put the authcode email into spam box.
    You can also add the domain to your white list.
  4. Now you get in the config page. Input your steem account name which you want to watch. Check the Replies item and click Submit button. All steps is done.


Current version doesn't support watching multiple steem accounts via one email. This will finish in the next version.
Whether to add more items to notify I think it depends on users' requirement. For now the reply notifications is fine for me. If you have any idea or suggestions, feel free to add a issue on this page.

How to contribute?

Contribution is welcome. Feel free to commit a pull request.

Steem Mention


SteemMention 是一个提醒工具,用来提醒你有新的回复。由于我尝试过很多款提醒工具,发现都不稳定,于是就自己开发了一个。


  1. Symfony4 ,用来实现网页部分;
  2. SteemPython 用来实现区块检测。


  1. 打开 SteemMention 点击 Start
  2. 输入你想要接收通知的邮箱地址并点击 Get Authcode.
  3. 这时你会收到一封含有 Authcode 的邮件。如果你没有收到,请检查下你的垃圾箱。由于我的发信服务器是自建的,很可能被你的邮件服务商默认为垃圾邮件。
    你可以把 邮件域名加入到你的白名单中。
  4. 现在你就会看到配置页面,输入你 Steem 的账户名,选择 Replies 这个提醒项,然后点击 Submit 完成配置。这样所有的配置就完成了,坐等通知即可。


目前的版本不支持一个邮箱绑定多个 Steem 账户,这个功能将在下个版本实现。
对于是否要加入更多的提醒项,我觉得需要看用户的反馈。目前我认为 回复 提醒是最重要,需求量最大。欢迎来 github 的问题页面 提出你的问题和建议。


随时欢迎提交 PR。

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