Reverse-Engineering with Cheat-Engine / Getting into the language of Processors aka ASM

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)

What is Cheat-Engine?

A powerful memory-analyzer (one of the best)

What Is Reverse-Engineering?

Some people spend time on coding and some people spend time on de-coding

Welcome to the world of the language of Processors

Aka Assembly, programs are coded with the lines of codes and sources but they are running by Processors and the way processors communicate is not the same as the programs are communicate each other and they call it Assembly.

Can i create a program out of this?

Maybe not but you can create a way of achieving the ability of a program does... Even when you were not supposed to do, or when you are unable by the program itself...

You may not be able to create whole of a program but you can control the program, you can rule the program literally with Assembly, when the program runs, it runs itself and we can't but processors are reading the program by communicating each other. What are we doing is, we are making processors miss-read the program so we are ruling the program by making it answer our questions when it wouldn't do it usually. We are pushing the program or programs to act like what we want them to do...

Lets take our first steps into the Reverse-Engineering by understanding what Adresses are and how to Search&Find&Edit them!

This one is multi-lingual and also available in Turkish!


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    İle başlayan ve işlemcilerin birbirlerine olan fısıltılarını dinlemeyi, duymayı, fısıltılar havadayken onları yakalayıp değiştirmeyi deneyimlemeye ve belki de edebi bir dil ile anlatmak yerine özetle Assembly'e giriş yapacağımız bu video-rehber ile karşınızdayım!

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