Improve Tool to Search Utopian Posts by Categories and Projects

in utopian-io •  7 years ago 


As I mentioned here, Utopian Similarity is a tool to search utopian posts by categories and projects, you can search manually writing the keywords and repository or you can paste a permlink and the app select automatically repository and keywords.


This time I fixed some bugs, improved the UI and optimized the auto-search, now the app detect keywords automatically.
For keyword detection, firstly I clean the text because has html/markdown format and then I use the part-of-speech tagging of TextBlob and copy the nouns. For future updates i would like to detect which of this nouns are more related with tech

You can check the code here


New UI

How it works?

Why use this instead of the usual search tool?

Because the usual search tool on Utopian has an issue when you search for old posts and it's really hard to find similar/duplicated Contributions

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I Absolutely agree with this idea 👍🏻