About Curation Break-Down
Curation Break Down is a tool made to analyze the actual or pending curation rewards in a post.
The tool gives :
- Actualized or pending post pay-out
- Actualized or pending total curation on the post
- The net total rshares on the post
- Post date
- Feed-price ( used for converting SBD to Steem )
- All the voters on the post
- Curation reward for each user and their votes cast
- Curation performance ( curation received/vote value )
This is an important tool to see the impact of curation trails on certain posts and to estimate the actions on curation maximization.
How to use Curation Break Down tool
- Go to link :
- Copy the post link to be analyzed from steemit and paste to link section of the tool
Press “Start” button
The tool will show all the post and voters data on the screen.
The full code can be found in GitHub
The explanations for each line of code is also implemented
url: ''
var votes = [];
var p_date;
var p_date_parsed;
var post_pay_sbd;
var curation_pay_sbd;
var total_pay_sbd;
var is_paid;
var feed;
var total_net_rshares;
document.getElementById("loader").style.display = "none"; = "90%";
// get feed history from STEEM.API This will be used to get current feed price ( SBD-to-SP coversion )
steem.api.getFeedHistory(function(err, res) {
feed = parseFloat(res.current_median_history.base);
// function for clear all the fields
var clearSearchFields = function() {
// Starting function
function Start_Analysis() {
document.getElementById("loader").style.display = "block";
var link = document.getElementById("link").value; //get the url from the textbox
var perm = link.split("/"); //split the url to get permlink and user
var length_perm = perm.length;
var permlink = perm[length_perm - 1]; //the permlink is the last element after "/" sign
var user_raw = perm[length_perm - 2]; //form the array to find the user to be voted - user is found at the one before final element of array
var usmat = user_raw.split("@"); //we need the username without @sign, so split the raw array
var author = usmat[usmat.length - 1]; //user name is the last element of the array
steem.api.getContent(author, permlink, function(err, result) { // get values from steem.api for the post content
votes = result.active_votes;
p_date = result.created;
p_date_parsed = Date.parse(p_date);// get posting time as time-stamp
if (parseFloat(result.vote_rshares) == 0) {// check if the post is already paid. The curation calculation differs
is_paid = true;//this is to be used later for improvements
// If the post is already paid, all curation and post payments can be taken from block-chain
post_pay_sbd = parseFloat(result.total_payout_value).toFixed(3);
curation_pay_sbd = parseFloat(result.curator_payout_value).toFixed(3);
total_pay_sbd = parseFloat(post_pay_sbd) + parseFloat(curation_pay_sbd);
if (parseFloat(result.vote_rshares) != 0) {
is_paid = false;//this is to be used later for improvements
// If the post is fresh - not paid, we use estimation method for calculating curation rewards.
post_pay_sbd = (parseFloat(result.pending_payout_value) * 0.75).toFixed(3);// post pay-out is %75 of total pay-out
curation_pay_sbd = (parseFloat(result.pending_payout_value) * 0.25).toFixed(3);// curation pay-out is %25 of total pay-out
total_pay_sbd = parseFloat(post_pay_sbd) + parseFloat(curation_pay_sbd); // total pay-out
calculate();// send the result to calculation
// function to perform all the calculation
function calculate() {
total_net_rshares = 0;
var before = 0;
var now;
var voter = [];
var voter_before = [];
var voter_now = [];
var v_time = [];
var time_diff = [];
var gross_curation = [];
var penalty = [];
var net_curation = [];
var vote_value = [];
var r_shares = [];
votes.sort(compare);// this is important, votes must be sorted according to their voting time
for (let i = 0; i < votes.length; i++) {
total_net_rshares = total_net_rshares + parseInt(votes[i].rshares);//calculate total net rshares.( If the post is paid, this is needed )
r_shares.push(votes[i].rshares);// get rshares of all the voters
var sbd_per_shares = total_pay_sbd / total_net_rshares;// calculate SBD value per share - to calculate vote value of each voter
before = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < votes.length; i++) {
now = before + parseInt(votes[i].rshares);//calculate all rshares before your vote + your share
vote_value.push(parseInt(votes[i].rshares) * sbd_per_shares);
var ratio = (Math.sqrt(now) - Math.sqrt(before)) / (Math.sqrt(total_net_rshares));// main sqrt calculation for curation reward - find the ratio per voter
var gc=curation_pay_sbd * ratio
if(gc<0){// if it is a downvote, curation earned will be not negative but zero
gross_curation.push(gc);// gross curation - as voting time penalty unapplied - put in the array.
var v_date = votes[i].time;
var v_date_parsed = Date.parse(v_date);// get voting time as time-stamp
var vote_late = (v_date_parsed - p_date_parsed) / (30 * 60 * 1000);// check the difference with 30 minutes.
if (vote_late >= 1) {// if it is over 30 minutes no penalty applied.
vote_late = 1;
var curation_loss = (gc * (1 - vote_late));// according to difference found, apply the penalty and calculate curation loss
net_curation.push(gc - curation_loss);// net curation is gross curation (gc) - curation_loss
before = now;// set the total rshares before for next calculation
// send all the results to to_div function for showing.
to_div(voter, r_shares, voter_before, voter_now, v_time, vote_value, gross_curation, penalty, net_curation);
//function to show results.
function to_div(voter, r_shares, voter_before, voter_now, v_time, vote_value, gross_curation, penalty, net_curation) {
document.getElementById("loader").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("post_pay").innerHTML = parseFloat(total_pay_sbd).toFixed(3) + " SBD";
document.getElementById("curation").innerHTML = parseFloat(curation_pay_sbd).toFixed(3) + " SBD";
document.getElementById("net_shares").innerHTML = total_net_rshares;
document.getElementById("feed_price").innerHTML = feed;
document.getElementById("post_date").innerHTML = p_date;
for (let i = 0; i < voter.length; i++) {
document.getElementById("voter").innerHTML = document.getElementById("voter").innerHTML + voter[i] + "<br />";
document.getElementById("rshares").innerHTML = document.getElementById("rshares").innerHTML + r_shares[i] + "<br />";
document.getElementById("rshares_before").innerHTML = document.getElementById("rshares_before").innerHTML + voter_before[i] + "<br />";
document.getElementById("curation_wo_penalty").innerHTML = document.getElementById("curation_wo_penalty").innerHTML + gross_curation[i].toFixed(3) + " SBD" + "(" + (gross_curation[i] / feed).toFixed(3) + " SP)" + "<br />";
document.getElementById("vote_time").innerHTML = document.getElementById("vote_time").innerHTML + v_time[i] + "<br />";
document.getElementById("SP_early_penalty").innerHTML = document.getElementById("SP_early_penalty").innerHTML + penalty[i].toFixed(3) + " SBD" + "<br />";
document.getElementById("SP_curation").innerHTML = document.getElementById("SP_curation").innerHTML + net_curation[i].toFixed(3) + " SBD" + "(" + (net_curation[i] / feed).toFixed(3) + " SP)" + "<br />";
document.getElementById("vote_sp").innerHTML = document.getElementById("vote_sp").innerHTML + vote_value[i].toFixed(3) + " SBD" + "<br />";
document.getElementById("performance").innerHTML = document.getElementById("performance").innerHTML + "%" + ((net_curation[i] / vote_value[i]) * 100).toFixed(1) + "<br />";
// sorting function for votes
function compare(a, b) {
const timeA = a.time;
const timeB = b.time;
let comparison = 0;
if (timeA > timeB) {
comparison = 1;
} else if (timeA < timeB) {
comparison = -1;
return comparison;
Road Map
This tool shows that, there is a way to get curation rewards equal to or higher than self-upvoting with micro votes.
The aim of this tool is to analyze the voting behavior, especially on the trending posts.
Using this tool, I will further study the curation and voting behavior and get an explanation to micro votes we see on most of the posts.
@FireDream - Steemit
@firedream#3528 - Discord
Curation break-down tool :
Thank you for your contribution, it has been approved. You can create one application and all these features in that instead of creating one by one.
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Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Thank you for your approval.
Your recommendation is noted.
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Thank you for the tool, @firedream: I find it useful!
I would like to automate fulfilling of the link section with the URL address of the page I'm currently browsing clicking on a Curation_BreakDown bookmark created on my bookmark toolbar: could you provide a javascript to do that?
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
@inlakech, thank you for finding it useful...I will try to learn and apply what you recommend.
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Thank you, very kind! :)
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Hey @firedream
Thanks for contributing on Utopian.
We're already looking forward to your next contribution!
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Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons: