GUI for managing replies and unapproved posts in utopian

in utopian-io •  7 years ago 

I would like a GUI table in utopian that shows me the following attributes for replies to my posts:



Here are the attributes in the table that I would like to see :

  • Received
  • From User
    -If user is moderator
    -if I follow that user
  • Vote summary on reply
  • Vote summary on post
  • Payout on post
  • Reply Received Date
  • If I have read the reply, and date
    Set when you open the reply detail, Be able to mark as unread.
  • Replied date
  • Post lasted Edited, and if edited after the reply came
  • Post Approved date
  • Post Summary

Filtering and sorting

I would like to be able to filter and sort like an email system

  1. I would like to be able to filter by all of the attributes mentioned, in combination
  2. I would like to sort by time value of any of the time fields if set.

Use Cases

Here are some of the use cases that I would like to have :

  1. I would like to see the unread replies to my posts and know if replied to the message or edited the post afterward.

  2. The posts that I have that are not approved, when they will time out and if I have replied to them already.

Chat integration

I would like integration into discord chat that I will write about in another post.

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Thanks for contributing via utopian. Your contribution can not be approved yet. You need give a detailed information to explain what you are trying to suggest. Please kindly do this to reapply for approval. Thank you.
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I dont see how I can be more detailed, this is very detailed.

You can be more detailed by adding more information to this to clearly point out what you are suggesting.

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