openstreetmap based on steem/blockchain

in utopian-io •  7 years ago 

People want nice map, hand crafted with love. My idea would be to allow for funding of an open streetmap system based on posts in steem where users would work on bits of the map with care and love to create beautiful maps that would be the funded in steem and shared on an open streetmap like system.

One difference to osm currently would be that the tiles could be influenced by artists to create single renderings or abstract renderings that would be displayed as needed.

The edits to osm would be based on a blockchain type system, but each block would be geographically broken up so a single chain would be in a certain area. Global edits would have be broken up.

The first step would be to devise a way to group and cluster the edits into chunks that can be separated or be hierarchal.

The Cardano (ADA) currency should be able to support such a system.

The base idea was mentioned on this post

Searching for this topic I found :
where they discuss the idea of using blockchain for land sale documentation.

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