New Logo/Icon Proposal For App Mover (Owner Project Appreciate)

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)



App Mover is an android app that is useful to move the application, for those of you who have android who already do root should immediately install this application because it is easy to use and has many conveniences. for more information of this application please download on Playstore and check github here.

Logo Progress


Logo Result



Icon Result

512 px
192 px
144 px
96 px
72 px
48 px
28 px

Font & Colors


Benefits / Improvements

When I find out about the app, I accidentally found a conversation of project owner who discussed new logo / icon issues for use in this application (you can see the conversation here) and I want to try to participate in it by creating a new issue in the github owner project which in essence wants to create a new logo that is simple, in accordance with the purpose of this application is made and appropriate for use for his android applications. The following is a display of differences before and after the logo is installed.

Owner Project Appreciate

you can check owner project said here


This logo is built entirely using CorelDRAW X7 application, to see the authenticity of this design work you can check my capture worksheet attachment below.

Some Proof Of My Works


Original files

Download Editable File Here
Download Font Kozuka Gothic Pro H Here

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Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.

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@baranpirincal thank you very much mod

nice work bro...

@ahmeterbay hehe thank you my bro, i glad hear it from master ^_^

Hey @jaldesign I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!


  • Seems like you contribute quite often. AMAZING!

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