Job Seeking using JobTools
What is the project about?
JobTools is the first Job Seeking Chrome Extension that is based on ZipRecruiter API. I have previously implemented a PHP Wrapper API for job searching and it is integrated in the online tool but I think Chrome Extension is a perfect application entry point that users can easily access.
Job Searching Setting:
Technology Stack
Any applications that can be written in Javascript will eventually be re-written in Javascript. Chrome Extension is an ideal place to host your Javascript applications.
Integrated with Google Maps
JobSearch Class in Javascript
In the future versions, this will be refactored so that it contains all the data processing.
'use strict';
class JobSearch {
// need app key
constructor(key) {
this.key = key;
this.api = "";
this.keyword = "Software Engineer";
this.location = "London";
this.radius = 14;
this.age = 10;
this.per = 10; = 1;
GetAPI() {
let keyword = this.keyword;
let location = this.location;
let radius = this.radius;
let age = this.age;
let page =;
let per = this.per;
keyword = keyword.trim();
location = location.trim();
radius = parseInt(radius);
age = parseInt(age);
keyword = encodeURIComponent(keyword);
location = encodeURIComponent(location)
return this.api + "?search=" + keyword + "&location=" + location + "&radius_miles=" + radius + "&days_ago=" + age + "&jobs_per_page=" + per + "&page=" + page + "&api_key=" + this.key;
SetKeyword(keyword) {
this.keyword = keyword.trim();
SetLocation(location) {
this.location = location.trim();
SetAge(age) {
this.age = age;
SetRadius(radius) {
this.radius = radius;
SetPage(page) { = page;
SetPer(per) {
this.per = per;
How to contribute?
Fork it!
Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
Submit a pull request.
Find Your Perfect Job by using JobTools:
Install via Google Webstore: