Mount seulawah is one of the mountains which is the pride of aceh people, at a glance almost like fuji ya mountain. This mountain has good forest resources and still beautiful, Pertamina reportedly will build a power plant in this mountain. Hopefully in this era of pak irwandi this plan hopefully can be implemented. The mountain is located in the district of Seulimeum Aceh Besar district of Aceh province. This mountain exists
two ie the bottom of the religion and the bottom of the ineng. This mountain has a paranorma of nature is so beautiful with the north is classified as very cool makes its own added value.
For Bahasa Indonesia here https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@kupi/seulawah-mountain-attraction-magnet-gunung-seulawah

For those who like mountain climbing, this is a good mountain to climb. You will be greeted by a beautiful view, and surrounded by pine and banyan trees that are big bigger. To climb this seulawah mountain climbers must have permission from the authorities ranging from the Village Head (Geuchik) to the Polsek. the climbing route to the top of the mountain seulawah agam can be done through the village of Suka Makmur, Seulimuem sub-district, Aceh Besar district.
The climbing journey to the summit of Seulawah Agam mountain from the door of Rimba in Suka Makmur village is ± 4.5 kilometers, usually the journey takes 6 - 8 hours, but it can be faster or slower depending on the mental and physical condition of the climber, itself we can see clearly but still needed the implementation of navigation, the path will be a little tiring when we have passed the door of the wind and towards this peak due to uphill terrain conditions.

Talk about seulawah is not there runs out of its route, flora and fauna, natural conditions and others. But there are some things that still mysterious here, one of which is a mystery seunapet.

For lovers of Chips And By By Khas Aceh </ h2>
Seulawah chips or more precisely chips sare is the most popular chips of fans, with cooked directly in front of the eyes and chips without strange weird ingredients is a picture of the seller really serious chips to keep the health of its consumers.
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