Delegation Control for Win 32bit Users [python]

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)

New Projects

  • What is the project about?

I don't have 64 bit windows and this situation creates problem for me. For example I can't install steem-pyhon or orher good modules that working on 64bit.


When I looked at my wallet I saw it was a minus. I made a delegation, but i could not remember.
I looked for a code that does not require 64bit. I could not see.
I decided to write code that work on 32bit with selenium

  • Technology Stack

Python, Selenium, Tkinter

// select requests or selenium.
// If html element code not seen in page source (ctrl+u)
// mean, air elements created via script, we can't use requests
way = 'sel' # or 'req'

We start to run DelegationControl() function with Tkinter Button.
def Startd():
    username = ReadUser()
    print "started"

''' ## Windows Creating ################### '''
delegationbox = Tk()
delegationboxTitle = delegationbox.title("Steemit Delegation Control v1.0 -alfa")
en = 530; by = 345
''' #secreen size '''
sw = delegationbox.winfo_screenwidth()
sh = delegationbox.winfo_screenheight()
x = (sw-en)/2+7
y = (sh-by)/2-102
go = str(en) + "x" + str(by) + "+" + str(x) + "+" + str(y)
delegationbox["bg"] = "#15151A"
delegationbox.resizable(width=FALSE, height=FALSE)
photo = PhotoImage(file="back.gif")
label = Label(image=photo), y=0)
userBox = Entry(delegationbox, font=("Tahoma",12), fg="#70e4b8", bg="#15151A"),y=60,height=38, width=145)
userBox.insert(0, ' UserName?')
userBox.bind('', BoxPlace)
symimage1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file="start.gif")
startBtn = Button(image=symimage1,command= Startd);, y=60)
var = StringVar()
var.set('Enter your UserName and click to Start. (be patient)')
strBox = Label(delegationbox, textvariable = var,
font=("Tahoma",11), fg="#70e4b8", bg="#15151A"), y=305,height=37, width=530)

This is very practical

Yey! It's open source (w MIT License)


  • How to contribute?

If you want contribute to this project [eg. for speed] or my other steemit projects;

you can write comment here or github or contact me via discord (@MuratTatar#7991 )

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Your contribution cannot be approved because it does not follow the Utopian Rules.

Submitted projects must have a unique value. Redundant projects will not be accepted.

There are already different tools that provide this information and also work independently from the operating system, which is way more useful and applicable for the end user.

I also wonder what's the purpose of this file:

The project dependencies should be managed in a requirements.txt file.

I'm sorry but this project can't be rewarded by Utopian in it's current state. You would need to put a lot more effort into this and add some unique features.

I also highly recommend to use Git on your local development machine instead of just uploading files to GitHub. Here's a great guide, in case you're not familiar with it yet:

You can contact us on Discord.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Yanlış anlamazsanız REPO için birkaç öneride bulunmak isterim?


  • Reponuzu belli bir şablona göre oluşturursanız aslında güzel olabilir.

    • Resimleri ve gifleri bir klasör altında toplayabilirsiniz.
    • Kodları bir klasör altında toplayabilirsiniz.
    • Windows app ise bir .exe hazırlayıp releases olarak çıkabilirsiniz.
  • Kodlara baktığımda okumakta zorluk çekiyorum. Daha doğrusu biraz düzensizlik bulunuyor. Bununla alakalı PEP8 kurallarına bakmanızı tavsiye ederim.

    • Bir grup string işlemleri için .format() methodunu kullanabilirsiniz. Daha okunaklı ve yönetilebilir olacaktır. text = '{} merhaba nasılsın, ben {} '.format('tolgahan', 'Steembot') gibisinden.

Bunlar çok mu önemli, yoo hayır tamamen size kalmış. Ancak okunaklı olması ve başkaların bu projeyi kullanması veya geliştirme yapması için bir nebze gerekli diye düşünüyorum.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I forgot real test username,
and I don't want highlight on it.

Hi @murattatar,
Could you please provide a reference to what you say it does not work for you and it is explicitly for 64bit so that everyone could reference back to your contribution ?

about your open source contribution:




and go on..

The only thing to say is:
"Mods votes to other Mods. Mods knows everything. Mods are Gods"
Thats all!

Have you tried using anaconda ?

Why do i have to fall into same line with others. Why is it prohibited to invent a new way? I can use Selenium and I can reach my goal.

Am I asking to you "Why you don't you use c++?or node.js/java/ubuntu/debian..
"Hey you can handle that with debian why use windows"
"Hey you can use automatic erc-20 creating syestem in Ethereum why are u create new coin like as Eos"

I really don't want to get into your victim hood dude.
I am trying to help out as I am experienced with this kind of problem, if you don't want to change your ways the world will change and you remain behind.

Anaconda was mentioned in the same paragraph where you saw python 3.6.

Everyone here is trying to help you out ignoring your non-constructive comments which sometimes are quite offensive as well.

You're damn right about debian being a way better alternative, in particular because python-steem is meant for servers not personal computers.

As an option you could also get docker working in most cases, but I think it depends on a 64 bits as well.

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