SBD Yerel : Your Posts NET Values in Local Currency on Steemit

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)


Quick for TRY

You can download from webstore chrome and use right away

New Projects

  • SBD price is very volatile.
  • Author reward is 75% percent of post reward
  • %50 SBD / %50 SP
  • There are cuts for utopian or dmania
  • and USD/Local price is channing!

In this case, it is difficult to predict exactly how much money you will get.

I found smilar tool but its .exe and needed run to .py
or others did not working well (and don't calculate cuts)

I decided to write the new extention code;
SBD Yerel
// The meaning of " Yerel" is the "Local"


You can download source and change var cur3 = 'TRY'; var cur2 = 'TL' and use in your local currency

Technology Stack

background: onClicked.addListener for toggle

function set_status() {toggle = !toggle;
 status = 'off';  if(toggle) { status = 'on'; }  }
function toggle_extension(tab) { // ..}
function my_listener(tabId, changeInfo, tab) { //..    }
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) { /..  });

content: onClicked.addListener for toggle

// URL with API
function getURL(URL, callback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { //.. }

// we are meandering because steemit pages, loading with scrolling
var windowHeight = window.innerHeight; var windowWidth = window.innerWidth; //..
window.addEventListener('scroll', function() { //... })

  • Roadmap
    I will add "Options page" for easly selecting to currency

  • How to contribute?
    May be, It can use "storing". You can open pull requests.
    You can contact to me via discord (@MuratTatar#7991) or better reply to this post

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@vladimir-simovic Thank you.

Thank you.gif

Hey @murattatar I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!


  • Seems like you contribute quite often. AMAZING!

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kullanmakta fayda var, kesintileri tahmin etmek zor

Evet ;) Bir de Dolar ve Sbd de değişken olunca hesap karışıyordu baya. Eklenti ile güncel rakam görülmüş oluyor.

Yeni sekmede, kapalı olarak başlıyor, sonraki güncelleme de onu ayarlamam lazım. Bunun dışında bizim tayfada hepimiz kullanmaya başladık ;)