Foxtrick Azerbaijani Translation #2

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi Utopians,

This is the translation work I have done for Foxtrick. You can also reach my all work from Proof Link

What is Foxtrick;
Foxtrick is a browser extension for the Hattrick online football manager game, currently available for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera.

Foxtrick enhances the user experience on Hattrick by providing tons of extra information, a lot of shortcuts, tweaks for the presentational layout of the web pages, analyses of matches, links to utilities on external sites, and provide browser-side alerts and notifications.

Foxtrick is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version at your option.

Foxtrick Web

You can download Foxtrick for Chrome/Opera in here

My First Translated For Foxtrick

My Crowdin Profile
Foxtrick Crowdin Page
Foxtrick Github Link
Translated File

Translation Report:







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