[Translation][Spanish][Part 6] Ground Zero Roms (1118 words)

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)

Project Details

Ground Zero Roms is an Android app that manage the User Interface (statusbar, interface, navigation bar, buttons, lockscreen, etc) to make android a great experience.

Links related to the translation

Source Language



Translated Language

I've translated this project to spanish.
This project has 25384 words and 4232 strings to be translated.

I continued the file "strings.xml"



Number Of Words

Number of words translated on this contribution: 1118


Proofread Words

There are no Proofreaded words yet.

Previous translation on the same project

Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): 5

Best Regards!

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Your contribution cannot be approved because it does not follow the Utopian Rules.

  • Your contribution cannot be accepted because you have left out a lot of "special symbols". They must be included in your translation.

first example:

2018-01-30 21_50_12-strings.xml - Ground Zero Roms - Translations - Crowdin translation.jpg

second example:
2018-01-30 21_48_33-strings.xml - Ground Zero Roms - Translations - Crowdin translation.jpg

third example:
2018-01-30 21_51_38-strings.xml - Ground Zero Roms - Translations - Crowdin translation.jpg

fourth example:
2018-01-30 21_51_52-strings.xml - Ground Zero Roms - Translations - Crowdin translation.jpg

fifth example:
2018-01-30 21_52_46-strings.xml - Ground Zero Roms - Translations - Crowdin translation.jpg

  • This is rule is relevant for all projects.
    The manager of this project specifies it in the project's description:

2018-01-30 22_06_10-Ground Zero Roms - Translations translations_ collaborative internationalization.png
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