Reward yourself for something you can do naturally

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is such a cool project. I really got into it. After the first time I did a few more translations in Dutch, however this language is quite popular over here and it's finished already. Besides the 'fun' stuff was already done. So I decided to have a look if I can help with a language that is not as common or finished ... Hebrew. Here is the link for the site that I worked on, on Crowdin:

Capture Hebrew 5.JPG

I am the first person to admit that my Hebrew is not fluent, but I figured with my knowledge from school and with a wife and mother-in-law who both speak the language fluently, I should be able to provide some translations. Not realizing that I lack the required keyboard!!! LMAO ... This is where google-translate came in handy. I know how to form the correct sentences and which word I should use, so I could use the copy/paste function and get the job done that way!

Capture Hebrew 4.JPG
Here is an example of where I had to combine several words, using google translate, to ensure I made a proper sentence that can be used

Capture Hebrew 3.JPG
Another example of where I had to be creative

The biggest challenge with translating to Hebrew is that it is lacking the same sentence structure like English or Dutch. So on the one hand it made the job on hand much easier, however you have to be careful to ensure you still get the meaning across and also use the right translation as there are several words that mean the same in English, but can have a totally different meaning in Hebrew.

I want to thank everyone for their support so far, this is really nice to participate in and I will keep my work coming and if there are any projects you want to consider me for in the future, please contact me. I love this kind of work and when I have time I will dedicate every possible minute to it. The only problem is that I have a family with kids, so this isn't always possible.

Until now I did 33% of the Hebrew project, which entails well over 250 translations:

Capture Hebrew 2.JPG

Below is another screenshot of the work I have done on Hebrew so far. There is more to come off course. As this is a lot of fun and also helps me use the language on a regular basis and practise it.

Capture Hebrew 1.JPG

For those of you who are doubting about starting this, you're really doing a great project and providing a lot of help! Just get into it, it is really cool and fulfilling. I hope I have more time in the near future to provide more work on this.

Here is a screenshot of my progress. I did 33% of the project, so far I've been the only one. For those who also want to get into it. Ensure you make a screenshot when you start and finish, to show your contribution to a project:

Capture 2.JPG

Capture 1.JPG

I also want to thank the project leaders for this opportunity and I hope there are more projects that I can help out with in the (near) future. Also if I can provide any assistance with anything else, please contact me.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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I can't edit this post for some reason. The 'dots' you are showing in your screenshot below are not appeating anywhere. Here is the link for the site that I worked on, on Crowdin:

I can't edit this post for some reason. The 'dots' you are showing in your screenshot below are not appeating anywhere. Here is the link for the site that I worked on, on Crowdin:

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