Operation Guide for Village Financial Governance System

in utopian-io •  6 years ago 

Regards Steemians

Good Night Friends Steemians apakabar tonight I will discuss about the use of village finance governance application which is certainly very troublesome but it is the job that I have to do. Steemians friends if you use this application is Siskeudes Application that is used every village to make village financial statements. if Steemians friends want to learn this application can follow as I do that is a general guidance using the Application and in it has a step like:

  1. App General Image
    Yaitu :This village financial governance application was originally developed by BPKP representative of West Sulawesi as a pilot project in BPKP environment in May 2015. This application has been implemented in prime in Mamasa Regency Government in June 2015. The success of this application development is then submitted to Deputy Head of BPKP Regional Financial Supervision Supervision after passing the Quality Assurance (QA) stages by the designated Team. As of July 13, 2015, the village's financial application has been taken over by BPKP's Deputy for Regional Finance Implementation in Jakarta. This village financial application uses Microsoft Access database so it is more portable and easy to apply by even lay user applications. Technically, village financial transactions are included in small-scale groups, making them more appropriately handled with this acces database. The use of applications using the SQLServer database is only for a particular purpose or the volume of transactions is included in the middle-scale category. The use of village financial applications should get approval from BPKP as the application developer. Local Government may apply for the use of this application to the local BPKP Representative. Submission of application usage to be coordinated by Local Government so that it can be applied to all villages in the local government concerned. Approval of application usage is done by giving validation code and sml pemda which officially issued by BPKP.

  2. Database and data connection system
    A database connection must be performed the first time an application is used. The database connection is stored in the config.ini file in the village finance application folder. The database connection by default uses the Microsoft Access Database tab as shown in the following figure.


In the inteface data connection available 2 options connection options, via ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) or Direct Access. With connections via ODBC, the village financial application does not directly read the data to the MsAcces Driver but uses the ODBC engine on the windows operating system. While Direct Acces direct file readings are done on the database file concerned. The use of ODBC connection option requires that the computer system be installed Microsoft Jet OleDB 4.0 in Microsoft Office 2000-2003. So for a computer that is not installed office 2003 can not use this feature. If you want to continue to use this feature is to add the installation of Office Access 2003 or Access Database Engine. To determine whether this feature can be used can be seen in the Windows Control Panel on the System & Security tab> Adminstrative Tools => Datasource (ODBC as shown in the following figure.

Technically the use of option via ODBC is recommended and better guarantee data security from damage (corrupt) and can be used in multiuser mode by sharing database folder "DataAPBDes.mde". The use of the Direct Acces option allows the application to directly read the files in the village financial database. This option is used when there is no Microsoft Jet Oledb4.0 for "* .mdb" on a computer that is only installed office2007, 2010 or 2013. Use of this option is not recommended because under certain circumstances, such as slow, low-memory or virus-infected computers can create corrupted database or corrupts. Use of this option is only for single user or in other words only for PC or Laptop computer in stand alone (not using network). The use of applications in ODBC mode is preferred when compared to Direct Access mode for data security. For advanced computer installed Office 2007 s.d 2013 to add office acces 2003 so that it can use ODBC feature. Use of the app using the SQLServer database to contact the Developer Team. Operating procedures and application usage in the SQLServer dabase is the same as the use of the database in the Simda BPKP application. For maintenance of village financial data on microsoft acces database, application users to perform compact and repair databases regularly forcompressing the database. This process can be done at least once a month. How to do a compact and repair database is to open the village financial application database "DataAPBDes.mde" in the application folder and select the menu available as shown in the picture below.

The data compression process can only be done when the application is inactive. Therefore the village finance application must be completely closed before the compact and repair database process is performed.

3 Data User Administration
The user data administration menu is used to specify user_id, password and user level of village finance applications. The Data Parameter menu should only be accessed by user_id with administrator level placed in the District / City. While other menu accessible operators at the village and sub-district level.

In this menu is also set limits the authority of app users to access features available in the application. The administrator sets menu restrictions that can be accessed by the village app user / operator.

this is all I can tell tomorrow I connect again so that friends Steeemians not confused when there are less clear tonight tomorrow I continued back because quite long discussion of village finance governance issues.

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