About Me
I am John, 20 year Old graduate of computer science from Nigeria, I have worked on the development of few applications with a team of engineers. I am fluent in English and conversant with few programming languages such as, Html, CSS, C++ and Java which I am currently running a professional course with Edx on.
I have a flare for learning new things and also releasing knowledge to the outside world, this I have done most times on the block chain. I got to learn about Utopian.io few months after I joined Steemit and since then sharing knowledge became easier than ever, I made use of two categories Suggestions and Video Tutorials this was after trials and failing due to not following one rule or the other.
Why Utopian.io
At first I started contributing because I was going to earn for it, but later and I continued I noticed there was more than just earning, there was also helping others to earn the right way, immediately I decided I was not going to just continue earning from the community but I would also help out the little way i can.
I would love it if I am given a chance to use my skill set in computer programming, and all that I have learnt so far in contributing to the open source world to reach out to more individuals with the community. I intend to give my time and resources to the work of the community in the best of my abilities, not misplacing any rule or breaking any regulations as set by the leadership I am to work with.
Contributions to the community
Below are few of my accepted contributions with the link to my profile for others.
-Java programming tutorial with Official Hord - Database Program [Adding Data to Database]
-Java programming tutorial with Official Hord - Database Program [Connection to Database]
-Java programming tutorial with Official Hord - Java Calculator [Mod, Exponent and cube root buttons]
My Profile Link @offcial-hord
Categories that i want to moderate
I apply to be a moderator for Video Tutorials, this is because i have experience as regards the category and have done a lot of contributions in the category. I have also taken time to study and understand the rules of the category.