RE: [Translation][Polish]Swarmops(1276 words)

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[Translation][Polish]Swarmops(1276 words)

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)

Quick random review:

You've did some minor errors like "underlying" in "underlying payout engine " is not really "ukryty" (it's close to "underlying" but distors the meaning.. it's not a "hidden payout engine", but rather "obsługujący to" lub "związany z tym"(related payout engine, etc) - while it's totally unlike "underlying", for a polish reader it would convey the intended meaning), or "A new person has applied to be a" shouldn't probably be translated as "Nowa osoba zgłosiła się do XYZ" (because it sounds like they contacted a XYZ-person, rather than applied-to-be-a-XYZ-person; a better wording might be "Nowa osoba zgłosiła się jako (potencjalny?) XYZ", but that really depends on the context - zgłosiła się jako moderator vs. zgłosiła się do 'prace w terenie', itp), so that's just a typical translation woes, hard to work around when working with just some pieces of text.

There are also some entries where some parts of the text were ommitted, like the entry for "You have changed your Bitcoin Cash payout address" containing a tip for locking-down your account - whole last paragraph is missing.

Hovewer, most of those are just minor issues. I'll probably review that a bit more and send some update suggestions.

Great work, thank you for your support!


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Text has already corrected. Thanks for advice!