Dollar Street German Translation

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)

Project Details

Dollar Street is an interactive website developed by Gapminder. Here you can visit homes of people from all over the world and with different incomes, and you can learn about their everyday lives, such as what their toilet and toothbrush looks like as well as learning about the dreams of these families. This is a wonderful way to get an insight into people's lives at different income levels across the world without having to travel.

Links related to the translation

Github link
Crowdin page
Activity page
My Crowdin
My Activity

Source Language


Translated Language


Number Of Words

1023 words have been translated
Total amount of words: 162.739
Translatable words: 162.739

Proofread Words


before 1.png
before 2.png


after 2.png

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