Tutorials in modification of settings functions of UCU, a powerful open-source Android application

in utopian-io •  7 years ago 

This tutorial is for UCU - UNIT CONVERTER ULTIMATE, an open-source Android application. Specifically, this tutorials is all about modification of settings functions of UCU open-source
Android application.


UCU or Unit Converter Ultimate is open source, check out the code on GitHub on this link https://github.com/physphil/UnitConverterUltimate.

Conversion is a completed thing especially dealing with another units which us never know or encountered before. Every country has different used type of units, so this Unit Converter Ultimate open-source Android application will give so much for students whose dealing with conversion in their related Science subject. And also, those ordinary people that asked to convert equivalent of any units will benefits the awesomeness and the help of the mentioned open-source application.

In this tutorial, I will focus of how to make use of this application via modification of the setting in relation to user preference.

Step 01


Let's start the exploration of the app settings by tapping the three vertically aligned dots in the upper right corner of the application from home panel. Or, just simply refer to the photo shown above.

Following my instruction will lead to pop-up message as shown in the photo below. Just select among the three option available.


Step 02

Tapping the Help button will lead to the pop-up message showing the help intended message. Just tap GOT IT if you do understand already about the intended help message. Or another option is to proceed to VIEW SOURCE of the app.


Step 03

Tapping the Settings button, the application will directly bring to Settings panel. The following photo that will show below are all the features available under settings panel.

The main features under settings

The additional features under settings

Step 04

Let's now for awhile focus on formatting category. To start with, let's begin with Number of Decimals. To change the current decimal numbers, just tap the features directly and there will automatically message that will pop-up. Just select the number of decimals as per of your preference. The customs of application decimal is 5 and can be change from another number available as start 0 - 6.


Step 05

For setting up the Group Separator, just tapping it directly will lead to message pop-up. Just select directly from the available separator. Basically, user can consider none or select from period ( . ) and comma ( , ) symbol.


Step 06

For the case of Decimal Separator, just do the same from the previous procedure and select period ( . ) or comma ( , ) symbol as you like to be the symbol to separate decimal from whole number.


Step 07

If you wish to change the current theme of the app which is black, then you can turn it into white theme. Just put check on the box provided beside the Use Light Theme button. Upon tapping it, the application will directly turn into white theme.


Step 08

The other thing under settings are called Other Stuff. The most important thing found in this area are all about the support for the open-source app. The user can be directly send to the GitHub about the open-source project and can contribute freely about the open-source. If ever, you wanted to contribute for the mentioned app, just tap directly these two buttons shown in the photo below.


That's all. I hope you've learned much about this tutorial how to make used wisely of the UNIT CONVERTER ULTIMATE application.

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Your contribution cannot be approved because it is not as informative as other contributions. See the Utopian Rules.

You are describing how to change settings in a very standard and simple app. I'm afraid this doesn't add much value for users. It takes longer to read your tutorial than just trying it out.

Please don't feel discouraged and have a look at the Tutorials category for good examples, that can help you to improve.

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I've feel sad about this. Nevertheless, I respect your decision sir @mkt. You have your point in there. I understand your side and own perspective.

Well, this kinda easy but I'm still happy that I'm giving much effort on this tutorial. I know, some people in there don't know what is decimal and why it should separate from whole number.

Looking forward to my next contribution. Good day sir @mkt.