Calling Developers: Lets Build The Landing Page!

in utopian-io •  7 years ago 

I am using the announcements feature in Utopian to CrowdSource my project. If you don't know what an announcement is Read the intro post. If you have an Open Source project you can start using the announcements to crowdsource your project on Utopian.

A Great Design From @auliausu
This guy made a spontaneous contribution to Utopian, designing a great landing page! Read the original post.

I am attaching it here.

And a revised version of the logo

Lets Code It
@mkt already proposed himself for coding this up into something concrete. When I told him, what you want in exchange, this is what he replied:

I really... REALLY hate to talk about money agreements and shit
Don't know if I talked about this with you already but I always wanted to have the possibility to live for free but also work for free(edited)
at least to a certain degree is bringing me one giant leap closer to that utopian idea. :wink:
so this will be kind of a credo for me... I'll never ever put price tags on my open source contributions
I would say I'll just start to prepare the page together with @Al

He is a great guy!

You can help him with this contribution by chatting directly with him on Discord or join the Utopian Discord channel

There is much to do on Utopian and if you are a developer you could also contribute to the Utopian bot. Read the announcement

A Special Thanks to The Sponsors

@xeldal -> Vote for witness
@furion-> Vote for witness
@jerrybanfield -> Vote for witness
@netuoso -> Vote for witness
@elear -> me
@allowisticartist> Vote for witness
@sircork-> Vote for witness
@rival -> Vote for witness

A Special Thanks to The Moderators


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Who am I?
11 years Senior Software Architect - Javascript Full Stack Developer, focused on ES6, React.js, Redux, TypeScript, Node.js, and DevOps.

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