Adding "Implements" Section To The Utopian

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)


This suggestion is about all of the Utopian pages.


There are a lot of projects for Utopian has been made from the community.Most of them are very useful and most of Utopian community using them daily.Since the community of Utopian grows everyday and some people might not heard some of the projects i suggest adding a "Implements" section where peoples can see all of the developments has been made from the community for Utopian.

Mockups / Examples



When user choose for example,the pop-up will appear and give information about website and ask user if they still want to go to website.



Adding "implements" section will make community-development projects have more traffic in their projects and will be a great inspiration for developers.Also people will not have to search all of the developments from "development" section.

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  • A similar idea will be implemented with the new update. Check this image.

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