Building a food ordering system with MEAN stack(Mongoose, Express, Angular and Nodejs).

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)

Voltron Demo

Today, we would be building a web app which can help user to other a particular set of food from a resturant. We would be using Nodejs, express, and typescript for our server side client.
and AngularJs for our front-end.

When we are done, our web app would look like the image below.



In this installment, we would design our database schema, in RDBMS and convert it to a NoSQL schema (Mongodb), run installation, cofigure our application, and build our model.


  • Typescript version 2.4.2
  • Node version version 8.9.4
  • Npm version 5.6.0
  • Express version ^4.15.3.
  • Repository


This tutorial is rated intermediate

Table of content.

  1. What is a food menu app?
  2. What is the difference between NoSql (mongodb) and Sql
  3. Designing the database in MySql and adapting for MongoDb
  4. Configuration and setting up our application.
  5. Installation and running mongoDb server on windows
  6. Setting up Express.ts file and connecting to the database.

1. What is a food menu app?

It is quite possible, that you don't eat in a restaurant or even order a slice of Pizza from a near by restaurant. I bet there are some persons that can't do without this.

A food menu app is an application a costumer or a user can use in checking the various prices of food a particular time and of a specified location. This application makes the experience of getting or acquiring food very easy and simplified.

2. What is the difference between NoSql (mongodb) and Sql.

Lets start with mySql, mySql database gives opinions and relationship when designing the database. for example, lets assume we want to build a car, in mySql, it is assumed that this car can has different parts which includes the tyres, the wheel, the engine the Car-case. All these components brought together would makeup the car. This is how mySql sees things, in component manner. There are relationships between tables in a database.

While in Nosql like Mongodb, we have collections in a database which has no opinion or whatsoever. it gives you whatever you give to the database or lets call it document.
In NoSql it is assumed the the car already has its component embedded in the car-case which makes the actual car.

3. Designing the database in MySql and adapting for MongoDb.

To design the Database, we must have in mind what the application is about to do, and the features of this application.

For Voltron, we are going to have the following features:

  • Users Feature, which has the whole authentication system.
  • ListItems Feature
  • Order/checkout feature.

We would start by the designing the database in an RDBMS format before conversion to NoSql

Lets take a close look at the relationships

  • A user should be able to login in an check all the items available from a restaurant.
  • A user should able to checkout and pay for the order that has been created. In a whole, we should be able to track a particular user transaction in the database.

In MySql design

I would be design this Database using QuickDatabaseDesign

UserID PK int
Username string null
Email string
Password string
CreatedAt datetime
UpdatedAt datetime
DeletedAt datetime

OrderID PK int
UserID int FK >- User.UserID
TotalAmount money

OrderItem as oi
OrderItemID PK int
OrderID int FK >- Order.OrderID
ItemID int FK >- i.ItemID
Quantity int
Price money

# Table documentation comment 1 (try the PDF/RTF export)
Item as i # Table documentation comment 2
ItemID PK int
# Field documentation comment 1
# Field documentation comment 2 
Name varchar(200) # Field documentation comment 3
Title string
Description string
Price money
Type enum
Origin string
Locale string
Classification enum

OrderTransaction as ot
OrderTransactionID PK int
OrderID int FK >- Order.OrderID
Amount money

TransactionID int pk
Amount money
CreatedAt datetime
UpdatedAt datetime


Looking at the design above, the userId is referenced on the order table, we have a bunch of relationship you can study by looking at the line connection.

Database Design in NoSql (MongoDb).

The design for MongoDb as i said, should not be in relational form.

We are going to have three collections. which are:

  • User Collection
  • Item Collection
  • Order Collection.
User collection

We are going to have a separate user collection because we are going to be creating an authentication system.We should be able to query all the users separately without other information. Below is an example.

      "_id": "5abb8e9019c576bade205923",
      "name": "micheal Ogbiyoyo",
      "updatedAt": "2018-03-28T14:37:16.861Z",
      "createdAt": "2018-04-06T15:32:10.647Z",
      "password": "miracle123",
      "username": "sirfreeman",
      "email": "[email protected]"
Item Collection

It would also be nice to keep all items separately due to the limit of mongoDb which is 16Mb,
the item collection should posses the price, description and Amount in Stock of the item.
the items can be kept separately to avoid passing the size of a mongo collection.
Example Below

      "_id": "5ac35a4e817b4317f840f9f7",
      "id": 1,
      "title": "Fried yam",
      "price": 1999.99,
      "__v": 0,
      "updatedAt": "2018-04-03T10:40:09.105Z",
      "createdAt": "2018-04-03T10:40:09.105Z",
      "inStock": 2,
      "photo": "beans.jpg",
      "desc": "Fried Rice",
      "type": "food"
Order collection

This collection Should posses the user, the items or item added by the user, the Quantity and price of the item. This practice is called embedding in Mongo/ NoSql
Below is the example of how a user object is embedded in the order collection.

    "id": "5ac35a4e817b4317f840f9f7",
    "user": {
        "username": "sirfreeman"
    "items": [
            "item": {
                        "title": "Fried rice",
                        "price": 1999.90
                    "qty": 2

4. Configuration and setting up our application (voltron-api).

Yes, it's time for some organization of our project.We are going to be using matheusdavidson express-typescript-mongoose-starterpack . The starter pack is going to help us with the organization of our project
We begin by cloning the repository into our local machine.

git clone

next up we run the command below to install our node_modules. The following packages would be installed.

  • body-parser version"^1.17.2",
  • cookie-parser version "^1.4.3",
  • dotenv version "^4.0.0",
  • ejs version "^2.5.7",
  • express version "^4.15.3",
  • mongoose version"^4.11.5",
  • morgan version "^1.8.2",
  • path version "^0.12.7"

You can get rid of ejs since we are building an Api. ejs which is for server side templating.

npm install

Adding configurations and packages on the Starter pack

We run the command below and pass the flag of --save to save dependencies
the following packages should be installed.

  • bcrypt version "^1.0.3",
  • bcrypt-nodejs version "0.0.3"
  • compression version "^1.7.2",
  • cors version "^2.8.4",
  • express version "^4.15.3",
  • helmet version "^3.12.0",
  • jsonwebtoken version "^8.2.0",
  • jwt-simple version "^0.5.1"
  • mongoose-unique-validator version "^2.0.0"
  • passport "^0.4.0",
  • passport-jwt "^4.0.0",
  • passport-local "^1.0"path": "^0.12.7",
  • validator "^9.4.1"

We can simply add the above packages to the package.json file and run the command npm install

Lastly on configuration, we are going to add some variables for our .env file which we rename the .env.example to .env and add the snippet below.




5. Installation and running mongoDb server on windows

To run installation, you can download MongoDB binary and run installation
after installation, goto to /c/Program Files/MongoDB/Server/3.2/bin and open the command line and enter the command below to run the mongo server

 mongod --storageEngine=mmapv1 --dbpath=c:/test/mongodb/data

Above, we are passing two flags to store the dbpath and the storageEnginr to be used.

lastly, we need to create our voltron database which we added to the .env

open another command prompt on thesame directory and enter the command below to initiate the mongodb


next up to create the database enter the command on the shell

use voltron


In this installment, we successfully created and designed our database, setup our project with typescript and run the mongo server and database. in the Next installation, we are going to get our hands dirty with some real code and design our mongoose models, and set up the routing system with controllers.
We have successfully created the database.

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  • what you talked mostly in the post is building up the database , but there is not enough detail like the relationship of every item and what fields the specific item should conclude and so on which are helpful for readers .
  • the other part of your post is about the short introduction and the way to setup the environment , which is considered as not so technical

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The tutorial has been updated and the request added