How to create simple modal using bootstrap - Indonesian Video Tutuorial

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)

Video : Indonesian Language
Tutorial : How to create simple modal using bootstrap

What Will I Learn?

Write here briefly the details of what the user is going to learn in a bullet list.

  • You will learn How to create an modal using bootstrap style class
  • You will learn how to open modal from HTML element
  • You will learn how to create modal element


  • You Have basic about HTML
  • You Have basic about CSS
  • You Have basic about JavaScript
  • To practice this tutorial you should have a text editor software and a browser.


  • Basic


MODAL is a pop-up window system. When a button is clicked it will exit a small window according to the size set in the coding.Modal usually use for login form, sigin form or to display an information . For example, you can see when you click the login button on, then a small window appears as a login form to login with your username and password. That's the MODAL.

Bootstrap provides an easy way to create a modal. we just need to add some class that provided to build modal. For more detail, Let's Watch the my Video bellow.

Video Tutorial

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Bereh that din..

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this Very helpfull thnaks for shearing

Hey @sogata I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!


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bereh bereh

Loen cuda patimah ha ha
Neu volo balek bg beh