Introducing Steemit to 5000+ Indian Audience With Over 1000 Engagements

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)


I joined steemit on November, 2017 and have been in love with steemit ever since. I came to know about steemit from a youtube video, the next thing i did was make an account with steemit and i have been generously rewarded by the community for my efforts. During the initial stages of my journey with steemit i made content and wrote about ICO's and it was during this time that i came accross "Dmania" and i was in love again. Out of the Sheer love for dmania i made an facebook ad campaign for dmania reaching over 20,000 people. Then and there i decided that i shall run ad campaigns for Steemit and every other life changing platforms like Dsound, Dtube, Dlive and many other projects yet to come.

My name is Gokul Krishna and i have run the ad campaign on my FB page "The Uberman", My steemit account name is @uberfreelancer and you can find my utopian name under @uberfreelancer. as well (I shall provide the proofs at the end of this post).

I had to run two different campaign on facebook to reach 5000+ people with over 1000 engagements. I have run the two campaigns with different images and will explain the difficulties i faced running a campaign for social media backed by cryptocurrency on facebook after they revised their regulations on running ads for cryptocurrency. I will show you how i was able to get around it.

For the description of the ad i explained in the simplest way possible what Steemit is and how it works, below is the description that i initially came up with

Capture 1.JPG

This is where i faced my first issue, I was done selecting my audience, age group and interests,I boosted the post and was waiting for the approval. My ad was disapproved
Capture 10.JPG
After analysing the post i realized that Facebook is very hostile against cryptocurrency ads being shown and so i had to remove the words "Cryptocurrency and Bitcoins" out of my description and Interests. So this is revised version of the description that i used for my ads


When i selected my audience i was very choosy about the city they lived in, My primary target audience was India but the enormous population here is just too large for the ad to reach the right people i selected 16 of the biggest cities in India to run the ad and running them for age groups of 13-50.
I carefully chose the interests as well since steemit will be more appealing to people who actually blog rather than some random Joe.


I was able to reach an exact total of 6320 people with 1151 engagements from the two different ads that i ran,


You can check my post here


You can check my post here


Collectively both the ads ran for a duration of one week, the first ad ran for 5 days reaching 4645 people and 51 engagements, the second ad ran for a duration of 2 days reaching 1675 people with 1100 engagements and 5 link clicks.

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Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.
you have to reach 5000/post to get accepted and we made an exception this time because it is your first post on utopian so welcome to the community @uberfreelancer and next time try to show as more details about your post promotion in your video and do not forget to refresh your browser.
You can contact us on Discord.

yes, points noted! will be sure to implement them in the next posts @thegoldenphoenix

I have a question.

How can a post with 1700 reach get over 1k Likes? and how does it only have 1 comment, and how only 5 clicks?
Nothing here makes sense.
please explain.

Yes, glad to answer

I ran 2 ads, the first one i wrote the description and added two images Capture 123456.JPG
maxresdefault (1).jpg
While running the campaign i wanted more engagement but the problem was that these images had a lot of text and problem with that is it doesnot reach as many people as it is supposed to

The second ad was the description and the link. The image was the thumbnail pulled up from the link i provided while choosing the objective of the ad i chose engagement

Engagement: reactions, comments and shares
Prioritise showing your boosted post to people who are likely to engage with it.

So the second ad reached 1670 people who are more likely to engage with the post but then only 1100 people have reacted and have engaged with the post. And regarding the link clicks, again as i chose engagement as my objective it was only shown to people who engage if i had wanted link clicks i should have chosen website visits as my objective. Yoc can check the posts credibility how ever you like the links are posted above . I will be glad to answer any questions you have regarding the campaign @yairdd

Hey @uberfreelancer I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!


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