Translation C:geo Into Indonesian Language 1004 Words

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)

Project Details

cgeo is an open source, full-featured, always ready-to-go client for (unofficial) and offers basic support for other geocaching platforms (like Opencaching). It does not require a web browser or exports – just download and start right away. cgeo has more than 1.4 million active installations.
Sources of imformation

I decided to translate this article so people can use C:geo . And I also for people to translate this very important project as I mentioned above.

Links related to the translation

Source Language


Translated Language

I have translated this project into Indonesian and the current status after I translate is 17%

Number Of Words

Number of words translated on this contribution: 1004
Screenshot from 2018-02-19 05-11-52.png

Proofread Words

No word has been received from my translation yet

Previous translation on the same project

This is my first contribution to this project.

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  • I realized that you are targeting minimum word number required but your translation contains untranslatables so you are under the minimum word requirement

  • Your translations are obviously match with google translate

  • Ekran Resmi 2018-02-20 13.51.15.png
    Ekran Resmi 2018-02-20 13.51.38.png
    Ekran Resmi 2018-02-20 13.51.57.png
    Ekran Resmi 2018-02-20 13.50.57.png
    Ekran Resmi 2018-02-20 13.50.44.png
    Ekran Resmi 2018-02-20 13.55.19.png
    Ekran Resmi 2018-02-20 13.56.36.png

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