Steem Bot Tracker - New indicator for bots that use earnings to fund projects

in utopian-io •  6 years ago  (edited)

logo by @creativista

New indicator for bots that use earnings to fund projects

As the post title indicates, I've added a new icon/indicator for bots that use a portion of their earnings to fund other projects or initiatives on the Steem platform.

Screen Shot 2018-02-08 at 9.44.29 PM.png

If you click on the icon next to the bot in the list it will take you to a post with more details about the project(s) the bot's earnings help to fund. There is also a new filter which allows you to only see bots that fund projects.

For bot owners, there's now a new setting on the Bot Owner Configuration Page to specify a URL with details about your bot's funding initiatives. I would encourage the owners of any bots that use earnings to fund projects on Steem to update their bot configuration as soon as possible!

Screen Shot 2018-02-08 at 9.47.57 PM.png

I hope that this new icon encourages bot users to pay extra attention to bots that are using a portion of their earnings for good causes, and I want to give a special shout out to @jerrybanfield for the great projects his bot is helping to fund through @budgets and also to @isotonic which is a new bot that is using a portion of its earnings to fund the @runningproject community for runners on the Steem platform!

Reduced Steem API Calls

There are now 50 bots in the bid-based voting bots list, and to be honest it was getting a little out of hand. Every 30 seconds the site would make a call either to the RPC node or to the API URL of the bot to get the updated bids for each of the 50 bots in the list. That is 100 API calls per minute per user using the site!

I'm actually surprised that things worked so smoothly, however it was high time to make some changes. Now the site is a little bit smarter about how often it refreshes the bids for the bots in the list. Bots with under 5 minutes left in the current bidding round will now update every 10 seconds (for those of you who like to sneak bids in at the last minute!) and bots with under 20 minutes left will update every 30 seconds. All other bots will only update once every 5 minutes.

Additionally only the bots that are currently being shown in the list will update at all. This means if you use the vote value slider to show only bots with over $100 vote value then only those bots will update and all bots with under $100 vote value will not update at all unless you adjust the slider so that they will be shown.

By my estimates this change should lead to around a 90% reduction in API calls made by the site, if not more.

Various other bug fixes and changes

I want to thank everyone who took the time to test the site more thoroughly than I have and submit issues that were found in the GitHub repo! I'm happy to report that all reported issues have been fixed, but I'm sure there's still some more out there so please keep up the detective work and let me know what you find! The list of resolved issues are:

Thanks for your support!

As always I want to thank everyone who has helped and supported me in creating this tool. I love that it has been able to help so many people learn about and use vote selling services to promote their content and grow their following and earnings on the Steem platform. Please stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks!

Links to relevant commits:

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Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.

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Really need to take @lays off your list they are stealing people’s money. They are not up voting like they say. If you look at the reply’s it’s full of people asking for their money’s back. Got me for 1.6 SBD

Hi @buzzard, thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will do an investigation into @lays and will remove them from the site if I find they are not acting appropriately.

No problem.. I wouldn't have used their service if they had not been linked to so I'm sure others are finding them the same way.. I just hate to see more people fall for it.. If you go to @lays last post they made you can see a lot of people asking for their money or lost votes..

@buzzard it is very shamful act you send me 1.60 SBD and i have upvoted you
4.11$ and you said i am giving 1.60$ on 1 SBD why do you people forgot i have given you 3$ for 1 SBD but due to steem price down my vote value go down @yabapmatt please check This link and investigate @buzzard is a lier and i already wrote on my id that Upto 250x but not fixed actual i am giving 2x to 2.20x due to price down of steem and high amount of delegation fees why you people do not respect and understand of problems and make blame on others

  ·  6 years ago (edited)
  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Seconding this, @lays does not follow through. Never received any upvote or communication despite multiple attempts.

@lays feel free to offer proof otherwise.

Thank you @yabapmatt for the amazing tool. I use it everyday!

QUESTION: Is it better to bid at the end of the timer or right in the beginning of the 2.4 hours?

Why I am asking is, that if you have 10 bidders and all are bidding for example $1 each. When the user of bot votes, are the votes in order from 1 to 10 or all 10 at exact time? If it is in order of bid set time, the first bidder will get a higher vote or not?

Thank you

PS. Anyone that knows the answer my reply please. :)

It will vote in the order that the bids come in, so the first bid in the round will get the first vote. So while technically that means the first bid will receive a slightly higher vote value, in practice it's not a meaningful difference so it really doesn't matter at what point in the round you send in your bid.

Thank you @yabapmatt

Another Question: I know you can help us host and setup a voting bot. Will a voting bot be more profitable than buying upvotes everyday for your posts? Thanks

Well that's a bit like comparing apples to oranges. Voting bots are a good way to earn a return on a large investment in Steem Power, so if you have a good amount of Steem Power to delegate or you think you can get delegations from others then a voting bot should be able to earn a nice return.

its a little bit complicated

That makes sense.Thank you @yabapmatt. I saw somewhere that you recommend minimum 10000 SP. I would like to have my own bot one day soon. :)

That is a big help for the Bots with a helping spirit Approach!!!!
Thank you very much for your help and support with the @runningproject initiative !!!!

Thank you very much

@yabapmatt good post and very good job, but I want to make a suggestion.

e seen that in steembottracker constantly people do not know their use completely, and invest it to become a risk, I mean that for example a bot like upme or upmyvote, have a% ROI that obviously you know because you are the person in charge of the project , it happens that when the round is going to end the bot always remains with a -40% or -20% ROI because it uses a person exceeding the vote value and that affects all of us who know how to use them without losing investment.

what I want to get is that if you can for the community since I do not know about XD programming, a way to block a bot to what comes to% ROI.


If the bot is about to finish a round and reaches 50%, it will be blocked and can not send std.

nose is just an idea. because I do not find it profitable to invest 4std to get less profit.


buen post y muy buen trabajo, pero te quiero hacer una sugerencia.

e visto que en steembottracker constantemente las personas no saben su uso totalmente, y invertir se a vuelvo un riesgo, me refiero a que por ejemplo un bot como upme o upmyvote, tienen un % de ROI que obviamente tu sabes porque eres el encargado del proyecto, pasa que cuando la ronda va a terminar el bot siempre queda con un -40% o -20% de ROI porque usa persona sobrepaso el vote value y eso nos afecta a todos los que sabemos de que manera usarlos sin perder inversion.

a lo que quiero llegar es que si puedes para la comunidad ya que yo no se de programacion XD, una manera de bloquear un bot a lo que llege a sierto % de ROI.


si el bot esta por terminar una ronda y llega a 50%, que se bloquee y no puedan enviar std.

nose es solo una idea. porque no me parece rentable invertir 4std para quedar con menos ganancia.

I have just added this very feature into the Post Promoter voting bot software, however it will be up to the individual bot owners if they would like to implement it. They make more money if people overbid.

As of right now the @postpromoter bot will refund any bids that come in if the ROI is less than -10% as I think that is a good number where you still get a decent overall return from the increased visibility to your post.

If more bots adopt this feature then I will add a new indicator to the site to easily see which bots have an ROI limit and which don't.

Great @yabapmatt, I think it's good that you're working on this, thank you at least for my part for your work, I'll support you in future ideas. I'm also following as a witness. regards :)

Genial @yabapmatt, me parece bien que estes trabajando en esto, se te agradece al menos de mi parte por tu trabajo, te apoyare en futuras ideas. ademas ya estoy siguente como testigo. saludos :)

Thanks @yabapmatt for the work you've been doing! We've been using you tool now for a week and really appreciate how you've simplified the process for accessing and assessing which bots to use. --dt

Wow, excellent updates!

I hope that people will pay attention to the new icon. The API revision will improve the performance while also improving the accuracy (for us who like to sneak bids in at the last four minutes fifty seconds).

One bug notice from my side: when I click on "Front-Run all the Bots" sometimes it won't open, sometimes it opens but loads indefinitely, sometimes it opens and loads quickly.

Thank you for all of your hard and highly useful work!

Cheers. : )

Thanks for the updates!! Greatly appreciated and I love the steem delegation feature under tools
have a nice day

I like that you got the future rewards calculator USD conversion working again, thanks for the hard work, that's why everyone should vote @yabapmatt for witness.

Just saw it today and wanted to say thank you for your awesome service that I use nearly daily!
Also the "frontrun the bots" feature is rocking my world! Good to finally have found your account @yabapmatt 👍


You've got upvoted by Utopian-1UP!

You can give up to ten 1UP's to Utopian posts every day after they are accepted by a Utopian moderator and before they are upvoted by the official @utopian-io account. Install the @steem-plus browser extension to use 1UP. By following the 1UP-trail using SteemAuto you support great Utopian authors and earn high curation rewards at the same time.

1UP is neither organized nor endorsed by!

Thanks for building the easiest way to culculate the bid bot system. Though I am not in position to create my own one. But may be in future if I would any such requirements I will be grateful to people like you.
Anyways you are doing good work. Keep it up and help more and. More people.......

Nice. I've been playing around with his bot tracker and really excited about about the amount of opportunity it provides to content creators.

Very nice updates continues to get better and better! Whats a good way to get in touch with you about setting up my own bot if possible? THANKS!

I'd be happy to help you with that! The best way to get in touch with me is through the PALnet discord server here: or alternatively on Steemit.Chat

What gives the best return? Owning a bot or buying upvotes?

Thanks for sharing

Thanks for the fantastic tool @yabapmatt ! I recently had trouble with one of the bots stealing my sbd and blacklisting me with no warning.
Is there a way for myself or other users to remove problem bots from the dashboard so I don't accidentally send my hard earned steem/sbd to known theives?
Perhaps have bots list their terms of service before being listed on
See this link for more information:
Much appreciated for your time and consideration.

Thanks for building all this ;) Really useful!

You have my vote @yabapmatt. Great tool and I use it every day but am still a newbie. is there an FAQ or some kind of tutorial as to what everything means and how the funds are disbursed when voting takes place? I have tested a vote on a bot where the bid value is much higher than the vote value... yet when the bot votes for my post, I still gain a few SBD cents more than I paid for the vote.

A tutorial explaining all would be very helpful not only for me, but to be able to explain it to other people I want to help as well.

So far a great tool and I don't think I have lost any SBD based on a bid for vote. Thank you.

your logo is very good. i like it very much i hope it is better

Thanks for great work you have done i like the steem delegation feature under tool.
Have a good day

Great tool, I would really like to see more code snippets in the post that show the most important code changes

Such a great and good work. Keep at it

Such a great post thanks 👍

Here's a free upvote courtesy of #killerbot 1qivbn.jpg and a free resteem


Hey @yabapmatt I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!


  • WOW WOW WOW People loved what you did here. GREAT JOB!
  • You are generating more rewards than average for this category. Super!;)
  • Seems like you contribute quite often. AMAZING!

Community-Driven Witness!

I am the first and only Steem Community-Driven Witness. Participate on Discord. Lets GROW TOGETHER!


Up-vote this comment to grow my power and help Open Source contributions like this one. Want to chat? Join me on Discord

Thanks for sharing this, am pretty sure it will go a long way in helping those that are concerned. Great write up ✍✍✍

Hi @yabapmatt I've voted you as witness and also @jerrybanfield

@yabapmatt, No matter approved or not, I upvote and support you.

Me gusta la iniciativa de mejorar la forma en que trabaja el sitio, gracias por el post @yabapmatt saludos desde venezuela :)

very nice decision.

thanks for the information @yabapmatt, I have chosen you as a witness.

You got a 21.79% upvote from @masterbot courtesy of @yabapmatt!

Such a great and good work. Keep at it

thanks for your information

amazing!! thx! @yabapmatt

Thanks for the valuable information. Going to try it out

thank you for the information and help, I have follow and resteem

Very Good

Your tool has been amazing for me ever since I started using it. The only trouble I had was when a bot that had completed its upvoting cycle emerged somewhere in the middle instead of dropping down to the bottom. However, that is a minor issue and I should have been more keen.

Thank you so much @yabapmatt for the work you've done, I just want to use this tool now, I really appreciate how you simplify this process to access and assess which bots to use. please clue

Please return my 2.100 SBD ,No need your upvote.

I have learned that you are developer of steem bot tracker yet. thanks to serve this website .. And some updates. this will be very useful for us. I will look forward to your other post.

keep it up . i am using your service everyday ;) .

i am want to use bot in my post. i don't know how to do it.
please help me. it will be very kind of you.
thank you @yabapmatt

thanks for sharing this informations.

Nice post sir .Beautiful

Nice information @yabapmatt

Hi @yabapmatt , any idea why the bots on steembottracker are still accepting votes long after the count down timer has reached zero? It means that with more votes being allowed at zero, everyone either receives less or sustains a loss. I spoke to a couple of bot creators and they seemed to think the problem was on your end? Can you look into it and maybe script the tracker so that votes are refunded after the counter reaches zero? Or maybe you could put them in a queue and add them to the next round? Would it also be a good idea to make the bot's row colour change to red when the total bid approaches 75% of the bot's total voting power ie. when the bot no longer will be profitable? Just a few suggestions to keep it a fair playing field, as lots of greedy (or maybe uneducated?) folk are adding large bids to small bots after the voting round has finished, and it makes everyone lose. With the exception of the bot creator of course. I dont know what changed but it was not like this a week ago. A week ago the bots pretty much voted within a few seconds of reaching zero. It is OK for them to stay on the table for a minute or two so that bidders can see the final results, but NOT to continue accepting bids after the round has supposed to have finished, it isn't fair trading standards. Thanks for your support.

Sir where can i learn for bid upvote bot. I just want to creat 1 for my country ''Myanmar''.
Can u please help me sir?

Hi @yabapmatt..I want to try that tool.. How to start?! ❤️

Nice keep giving backto community. Awesome job.
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Hope you will enjoy reading my post.

The most important and rarest feature that is lacking: comment voting.

You got a 8.14% upvote from @sleeplesswhale courtesy of @stimialiti!