To connect a computer network using a cable, there are two types of cables that are often used are stright-through cable and crossover cable. The difference between the two is the different cable arrangement. As for its function is if the cross cable is used to connect two devices of the same. For example, PC with PC, HUB with HUB, Router with Router, and so forth. As for the Stright cable function is to connect two different devices, such as a PC with HUB, HUB with Switch, and so forth.
To Make UTP Cable Straight and Cross must have the following tools:
1. Tank Crimping
Tank Crimping is a tool to cut UTP cable and to pinch the end of the connector, and this is very important for those of us who want to learn how to shuffle cables, this tool is almost the same shape with regular tanks that we often see or meet.
2. UTP cable
We use UTP cable to connect to each other internet network and in this UTP cable there are 8 pieces of colorful small cable.
3. RJ-45 connector
The connector is a tool that we put on the end of UTP cable tersebutya so that we can plug the cable on the LAN port. The RJ-45 connector should be mounted on the other end of the UTP cable otherwise the UTP Cable will not be useful.
4. Lan Tester
Lan Tester is a tool to test the results of our cable crimpingan, if the cream we are wrong then the lights in the Lan Tester will not turn on and if our crimpingan results are correct then the lights in the Lan Tester will turn on automatically, so this tool is very useful for us to know our crimpingan results.
The difference between Straight and Cross wires
Before we start making cables it's good we know the function of each cable.
A. Straight Cable
Straight cable is a cable that has the same way of mounting between the tip of one with the other end.
The standard straight cable order is as follows: in accordance with TIA / EIA 368B standard (the most widely used) or sometimes also used according to TIA / EIA 368A standard as follows:
Examples of straight cable usage are as follows:
1. Connecting between computers and switches
2.Connecting a computer with a LAN on a cable / DSL modem
3.Connecting router with LAN on cable / DSL modem
4.Connect the switch to the router
5.Connect the hub to the router
B. Cross Cable
Cross cable is a cable that has a different arrangement between the tip of one with the other end. Cross cable is used to connect 2 devices of the same. The picture below is the standard cross cable arrangement.
Examples of cross cable use are as follows:
1.Connect 2 pieces of computer directly
2.Connect 2 pieces of switch
3.Connect 2 hubs
4.Connecting a switch with a hub
5.Connecting a computer with a router
Of the 8 cables on this UTP cable (both on straight and cross over cable) only 4 pieces are used to send and receive data, ie cable on pins no 1,2,3 and 6.
How to Make UTP Cable Straight and Cross
Once we know the function of each cable, then next we will make the cable straight and cross .
A. How to Make Straight Cable
Peel the end of the UTP cable, approximately 2 cm.
Open the cable wires, straighten and order the cables according to the drawing standard.
After the order is in accordance with the standard, cut and flatten the end of the cable,
Insert the straight and aligned cable into the RJ-45 connector, and make sure all the cables are correctly positioned with the following position:
Orange - Orange
White Green - White Green
Blue - Blue
White Blue - White Blue
Green - Green
White Chocolate - White Chocolate
Chocolate - Chocolate

- Perform crimping using crimping tools, press crimping tool and make sure all pins (brass) on the RJ-45 connector have "bitten" each cable. there will usually be a "click" sound.
B. How to Make Cross Cable
Creating a cross cable has a similar step with a straight cable, the difference lies only in the color sequence of the two ends of the cable. Unlike the straight cable that has the same color sequence at both ends of the cable, the cross cable has different color sequences on both ends of the cable.
Orange - Green
White Green - White Orange
Blue - Blue
White Blue - White Blue
Green - Orange
White Chocolate - White Chocolate
Chocolate - Chocolate

Below is an example of a UTP cable end that has RJ-45 connectors properly connected, the cable sheathed into the connector.
The last step is to check the cables that we have made before using the Lan Tester, how to input each end of the cable (RJ-45 connectors) to each available port on the Lan Tester, turn on and make sure all the LED lights are lit according to the order of the cable that we create.