RE: 8/22/17 Diary of a "pending" UVXY call options trade "live!" as I'm spekkin to ye...and why you ALWAYS lose trading options

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8/22/17 Diary of a "pending" UVXY call options trade "live!" as I'm spekkin to ye...and why you ALWAYS lose trading options

in uvxy •  8 years ago 

8/25/17 9:35 AM update: I don't expect it to happen but I would exit this trade if the asked on the 245 calls drops to .30 asked. Now at .36 bid.

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9:55 update: Almost have my 100% gain here as the SPY 245C's are at .55. I will continue to move my mental stop up and "hope" UVXY trades to my sub $30 target. It's only at 31.06...."live!"

10:02 AM update. Screw it, exited my SPY trade at .70 marekt. Now I can concentrate on UVXY and the VIX. :-)

8/25/17 2:49 PM: SPY 244.50 calls now at .59, can't lose now. Still gonna shoot for .90+ on this trade but keeping a rolling mental stop 10% below the current bid of .56, but to the asked side of the trade.

8/25/17 3:30 update: Out of the SPY trade at .53 market.

thanks bought yesterday at .20 and just sold .60