Inclusive language guide for dummies.

in uw •  3 years ago 


The University of Washington (UW, or “U-Dub,” as it’s called in Seattle) has published an “Inclusive Language Guide” for its politically correct students and faculty.

Study it carefully and you will eventually learn to avoid “problem words and phrases” such as:

Blind to the truth, blind spot, brown bag lunch, cakewalk, guru, lower the bar, mantra, minority, native speaker, no can do, peanut gallery, pow wow [“Using the word ‘pow wow’ is cultural misappropriation, and ultimately racist.”], totem pole [“Using ‘totem pole’ is culturally appropriative.”], and tribal knowledge, among many others.

It gets worse when the words refer to “Gender and sexual orientation.” Apparently we should no longer use the term “preferred pronouns” or the word “gay.” We are told that “The term ‘gay’ has fallen out of favor, and the preferred term is now “LGBTQIA+”. After all, why would we ever want to use a simple, one-syllable word when we can use an eight-syllable acronym instead?

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I stopped at lgbt. Blame it on culture, blame it on my autism...