Weak Notes, Or is that: Week Notes Part II: The 40,000 foot view of events.

in va •  2 years ago 


I hope that you all played around with the FBI crime statistics web site. We will be getting to it but first we are going to investigate international, read UN, anti gun treaties. And we are going back to 2007. George Bush is President, he doesn’t have to run for re-election which is politically important, and he has the [Gestapo Like] Patriot Act in place because of the 9-11 attack on NYC and Washington DC. At the UN they are working on a small arms treaty that is advertised as an anti gun trafficking treaty. Who would be opposed to stopping gun trafficking to “Terrorists?” The next step is getting the US Senate on board. Remember that treaties supersede our own US Constitution and the US Senate needs to vote to approve treaties. The next US President will be in charge of getting this treaty passed. And just like with NAFTA, the winner must be chosen ahead of time.
History note: It is my belief that Perot ran for President so that George Bush would lose because NAFTA needed a Democrat to help it get through that side of the Senate. In 2008 it was going to be a 60 vote Democrat controlled Senate because the Stock Market, Real Estate Market, and Banking sectors were all going to fail. In my opinion it was a certainty that it was PLANNED. Does it remind you of current trends as of say, this week?
Whether Perot in 1992 was a willing participant or not, it was clear to me that if the deep state folks needed a GOP president to get NAFTA through, then Perot would not have run. This is just my gut feeling. Perot never gave a good reason as to why he ran except that Bush insulted his daughter or some such. And Bush ran a bad campaign on purpose.
What was the UN up to in 2007? Check this link:
It gives a six year rundown of what the UN had been up to on gun control and talks about 600 million weapons loose on the world. Who were they really targeting? The US has 400 million firearms in civilian control today. What was it then? 300 million? This is the 40,000 foot view. And the deep state was about to get a super majority of Democrats in the US Senate! They couldn’t screw this up, except they did. They focused on Obamacare 1st and gun control in Obama’s second term. Why was Obamacare so important? Well for one, the government now has access to your medical records, a violation of your 4th amendment rights. In light of the current Covid19 bio-weapons experiment going on worldwide how does this help the deep state? Some call it genocide. NAZIS writ large. If you have a long memory it is interesting how many of these events worldwide look like advance planning.
What event was positioned to help the US sign onto a treaty on gun control? What conditions had to exist to allow control of information in the way it was needed? A mass shooting event in the US maybe? In an isolated location that was easy to control but would have national importance. We would need political control of the situation. How about a Democrat Governor and State Police handling the investigation? How about the VA Tech shooting?
Meets all of that criteria.
Did you do your home work?
Back to FBI statistics:

Check violent crime table 8. Pick Virginia and check out Blacksburg VA and there were no murders in 2007. How is that possible if there was a mass shooting? Did anyone really die? Tin foil hat stuff until it isn’t. I checked Virginia statistics because of the university and still could not get an accounting of folks who supposedly were killed.
Page 96 is of interest….No murders in Blacksburg. Page 106….Two murders at VA Tech.
No record of a mass shooting. Checking State police PD records on the same source, no evidence of any mass shooting recorded. State police swooped in respond to and to investigate the incident.
Thirty-three folks were killed. No record in the official FBI and Virginia violent crime statistics for murder. The killer was Korean. A loner whose name was Cho Seung Hui.
I am not saying it did not happen, but why is there no statistical record. At the Federal or State level? Democrat Governor in place at the time. Is Governor Kain a data point maybe?
I lived in VA at the time. VA is a big state and the SW corner is quite isolated. Many prying eyes never made the trip from Washington media but rather reported on it from a booth in the rear of their favorite tavern instead. Could this have been a false flag? Whether folks died or not, this is a possibility.
Side note with the 9-11 attacks. Folks believed at the time that some of the folks interviewed by the media on scene in NYC are also interviewed by media at the scene in Blacksburg VA several years later. This became known as the use of crises actors by the media in order to control the narrative. The resemblance of these folks is uncanny and it continues with other events as we will see. Without the use of crises actors which must be positioned in advance for this to be true, I might not think this was orchestrated from the jump. And these events do not happen without advance planning. Too many wheels in motion if it was done any other way. Maybe Blacksburg was just a test run to go over procedure. Either way, once Obama got in they felt Obamacare would be first, gun grab second unless Obamacare flopped.
So we see that the conditions are being prepared to aid any future gun grab treaty from the UN. The 2008 election is only a little over a year to go and the Deep State still has an economy to destroy.

Does your head hurt yet? Many see where I’m going I’m sure.
Stay tuned for Part III.

Mark Twain Warned Us.
Until next time.


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