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Wow, that was hard to watch - for all the right reasons. From his discussion of the structure of government and it's perverse use of words as legal terms with definitions we aren't taught to understand, to the dangers of injecting the biological components of vaccines, and the junction between those issues, it made me realize how I failed to protect my own sovereignty, and that of my family throughout my life due to my nescience. Hindsight is always clearer than our introduction to the issue.

Thank you very, very much for introducing me to this speaker, and this video.

You are welcome this is Clint's YouTube channel
He has been years ahead of the issues facing us today. Check out his vaccination video and the one on the CAFR they are eyeopeners.

This is his website nothing is monetized he wants to wake people up but I think he is getting discouraged so I thought sharing his work would light a spark we can't afford to have people like him give up.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

....and this is 6 years old. Sad.

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