in vaccine •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi Steemers,

For those who might have missed this one here is an article telling the sad story of little Hannah...
Like giving her parents worthless pieces of paper(money) or now numbers on a screen can compensate them for what they lost.
This make me so angry.

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Hi Cheekybuggy,
Thank-you for talking about this important topic.
Please note that "vaccines" is the popular tag, not 'vaccine' and more people will see your posts on this topic in the future if you use that.
I would love to see more of your own commentary added to any articles that you link to.

If you are ever flagged into oblivion like that again, you could join and send me a message, and I'll come give you a vote to hopefully reverse it.
Nenad-ristic is the one who flagged you, and he removed the flag after I conversed with him and then commented here instead.
Sorry that you had been the victim of a "flag-and-run."

This is a very controversial subject, and unfortunately some people without all the facts feel that we are harming children. I know that the truth is we are doing everything that we can to save our precious children.

This is what I put at the end of each of my posts about vaccines, and it does seem to have cut back the number flags or argumentative comments that I get ...

Please Comment Below and Let's Have a Productive Conversation!

I know that this is a very controversial topic ...
but if you care about children as much as I care about children...
surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.

Thank you for you kind words of encouragement and advice, its greatly appreciated and helpful.
Yes I am aware that I paint a big easy target on my head, but as you I do believe its to important just to sit by and observe.
As most ani vaxxers I just wont the facts and the freedom of choice. As I say to most parents that have chosen to vaccinate is when they tell me that my children are risking theirs is well your child have been vaccinated, why are worried. My children are supposedly at risk not yours to which unfortunately only makes them more angry, which I find extremely strange....Its a if they don't really care about the results they just seek conformity.
But like yourself I always trybto stay calm as I believe you can catch more bees with honey than with poo.
Once I realised Nenad-ristics agenda I have ceased replying as I do not wish to give him anymore air.
Thanks again
Thanks again

I can see this post, will be interesting to see if it gets hidden again.
Also, I feel terrible for that family but I am glad that they were compensated. Just shouldn't have happened in the first place.

Not hidden this time!

So far so good..
Thanks for your support

No problem, its a good test of this supposedly free system.......hmmm

My thoughts exactly

Anger is justified. Yes. However it is a step in the right direction. At least now they are beginning to recognize the connection between vaccines and autism. Dr. Tempenny has been speaking out for years on this subject.

Yes and a brave Dr at that, your right in its moving in the right direction even if it is at a snails pace.
Thanks for your support
Followed and upvoted.

Perhaps we need to get more vocal. The squeaky wheel gets the greese. A national movement on our leaders and on businesses who provide these poor vaccines. Vote with our time and money.

True and wise words my friend, thats for all your support


Ok, thanks for being there amigo.
I wont forget.
Will keep an eye to see if it staysb

KEEP hacking away at it cheeky... Don't get frustrated now. It means were hitting where they do not like light being shined!
pooh burn to the ground.jpg

Very sweet, big thank you...
Yes you are right in saying that I do get extra motivated when someone stands in front of me or whats right

Here is an article in new scientist which actually gives a lot more depth to the article:

It is clear from the article that we are dealing with an incredibly rare condition, and a very specific case.

One child hurt is one too many in my books....I always try to imagine how it would feel had it happened to one of my children. Rare or not, this is not the first legal case last I believe lasr year there was a case in Italy that won a similar out come.
Anyhow not to be personal I truly believe each to their own.
My issue is it should be peoples free choice.
Where I live it is virtually mandatory leaving the public with no choice.
On top of this there is no avenue for those with doubts through official routes.
Then there is the whole bully media approach, clearly henchmen for big pharma.
Regardless if it so good for us why not show us the evidence and allow a public debate to bring both sides out and allow the so called science to prove itself.
Thank you for wieghing, I appreciate how emotive an issue this is.

So should it be people's free choice whether or not to feed their children? Also here is one item of research

There are plenty of others

As for big pharma, I find that very hard to believe, since vaccines are actually highly unprofitable, and reducing them actually would mean more profit for then

Well, I did assume you had a certain intellecual ability but this answer demonstrates otherwise...firstly food is nourishment essential to life which subsequently has been on this planet for time immemorial.
You can do what you choose to your children.
I am aware of your pshyop and the hand that feeds you, your so called food.
If this is the best you can do just stop and let your superior talk next.

And here we go... For a moment I thought we were having a conversation.

But it seems that you consider children property...

And you claim to want to talk, but any challenge to your views triggers a conspiracy theory response

It would be amusing if your attitude was not killing people

Creating more disease is unprofitable for the big pharma?

Read the article, literally not one new piece of information in it that wasn't in the original source. The fact is this is significant regardless of how rare this specific disorder is because it proves without a doubt that vaccines are involved with creating autism disorders. If it wasn't a fact it wouldn't be admissible in a court of law. This is just the first instance they could prove in court, there will be more.