We’ve chosen our trusted companies and heroes and we’ve chosen unwisely.

in vaccine •  3 years ago 


What’s your reaction when you see that 6.75 billion shots have been given and this is the distribution?

I think: Africa is the future, as the rest of the world is poisoning its future, biologically, chemically and politically.

I also think: too bad that Ivan Illich, George Orwell, Buckminster Fuller and Robert Lustig weren’t more influential than Marx, Mao, and the sugar industry.

Medical Nemesis told us everything we should have learned by now. 1984 should have been a self-preventing prophecy.

There was a vision of cooperation offered by Bucky. We just never were lucky enough to have a politician embrace it.

And Lustig’s views on the hacking of our mind by an unholy alliance of food processors and medical profiteers eager to have sick people to fiddle with, with 80% suffering from fatty liver, metabolic syndrome, diabetes type II or other diet related illness have gone unheaded, as per capita medical expenses have skyrocketed.

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