Welcome to California, where wrong is right and right is wrong.

in vaccines •  8 years ago 

What is it with California? Is there something in the water? Maybe it’s the air. I marvel at how they consistently call good evil and evil good, and how they refuse to enforce laws against criminals while demanding to criminalize innocent citizens.

New legislation there bans kids from attending public schools unless they bow down to the almighty state, allowing poisonous toxins to be injected in their bodies through mandatory vaccinations. Meanwhile, the same legislative body is now preparing legislation to prohibit law enforcement against illegal aliens who commit crimes.

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They all drink the kool-aid.

Yes, it is sad!

Couldn't agree more. Upvoted and resteemed!

Thanks Bryan, I appreciate it.

Sheep to the slaughter!


I agree, check out my last post on human fetal cells in vaccines. Peace!

Will do thanks for the tip!

Its everything! California #1 toxic state. MInd, Body, & Life

Gets my vote :)


garbage. unvaccinated kids get whooping cough and polio and die horrible deaths. california has some of the toughest sentences for non-violent offences. people should not be locked up for selling weed to feed your family. there is no such thing as illegal aliens, y'all just hate poor people. jesus would be ashamed smh