We need more people like Rep. Dan Burton in Congress. He drilled the CDC in this video and took part in this excellent report too. Why don't we see more of this? It's unfortunate that it's so rare to see our politicians actually doing their job. They're supposed to protect the people but it seems like they're more focused on maintaining the status quo for political reasons.
The Thimerosal Controversy
We let the CDC get away with making unfounded claims, such as that mercury from vaccines is excreted faster than methylmercury found in other sources. They have very little to base this statement on, but they state is like it's fact.
Besides not having much to prove this, it's not the point. The rate at which it's excreted doesn't matter nearly as much as how much damage is caused in the process, which isn't studied adequately. In fact, the ethylmercury we get from the flu vaccine hasn't been studied much at all. The FDA considered its risk to be equivalent to methylmercury, which is known to be a potent neurotoxin. Learn the shocking truth about this controversy here.
Vaccination Is Not Scientific
It's time we all start paying attention to this important topic. There's not as much science behind vaccination as we're lead to believe. For example, there aren't any studies on the cumulative effects of all the vaccines in the current schedule. That means the CDC is promoting a schedule that hasn't been tested for safety. They only test vaccines individually. Check out my article listing 10 reasons I don't vaccinate.