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in vaccines •  4 years ago 

It's not Big Tech, it's Government Tech. Watch out for these people. It's not Big Tech, it's Government Tech. See, Big Tech lie when they say Big Tech ban people. Actually, government tells Big Tech to censor people. But in a court of law, they lie to judges and say they censor, ban, etc. No. It's government colluding with Big Tech. There are laws against that. People must go after the real people who are actually doing it and not the puppets, the cover-stories they hide behind. Watch out for these people.

What we want is not diversity of skin color but diversity of ideas.

We have 6 trillion cells but 300 trillion bacteria and viruses.

If you took the shot, there are crystals which will continue to grow inside you until you die, it may take a few years, we are talking about billions of people who cannot have children dead before 2030 and many before 2025. China refused the jabs from America.

Doctors and nurses give this girl MAD COW. She is crying. Crystals will grow in her body and kill her. Mommy is there too. Mommy is MURDERING her baby. Mommy is hugging her and so happy her daughter will die a painful dead. Billions of people soon. Are you excited to see everyone around you die die die die die die? Are you ready?

Going down the same path, same shared principles, goals, path, missions, heart, is critical.

They're trying to get Anti-Vaxxers to protest in America so they can create another Jan6 all over again, they will try to blow up hospitals or schools and blame it on the Anti-Vaxxers. So far, the globalists are angry because there are no giant rallies, protests, marches, in the United States. But when there are, they will try very hard to use the fake news to spread the lies and force military to take Americans to FEMA camps, the CDC internment Death Camps where you will rot and die in. That's the plan, to have police stationed on so many highways ready to pull you over to test you and then make up an excuse to throw you in these camps. You have been warned. They want to either go crazy or to do nothing at all and either of those two choices are the wrong choices for you.

My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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Inch by inch we go and we flow and we do our things like rad man - Part 01 | Part 02

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Screenshot at 2021-08-12 21:03:08 Mom dying.png

Covid Vaccine is Killing Mommy, The Son is Terrified, Bill Gates is Laughing.

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-08-12 - Thursday | Published in August of 2021

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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We have 6 trillion cells but 300 trillion bacteria and viruses.

They're trying to get Anti-Vaxxers to protest in America so they can create another Jan6 all over again, they will try to blow up hospitals or schools and blame it on the Anti-Vaxxers. So far, the globalists are angry because there are no giant rallies, protests, marches, in the United States. But when there are, they will try very hard to use the fake news to spread the lies and force military to take Americans to FEMA camps, the CDC internment Death Camps where you will rot and die in. That's the plan, to have police stationed on so many highways ready to pull you over to test you and then make up an excuse to throw you in these camps. You have been warned. They want to either go crazy or to do nothing at all and either of those two choices are the wrong choices for you.



All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

It's not Big Tech, it's Government Tech

2021-08-12 - Thursday - 12:50 AM - Banned Log - Gab

Watch out for these people. It's not Big Tech, it's Government Tech. See, Big Tech lie when they say Big Tech ban people. Actually, government tells Big Tech to censor people. But in a court of law, they lie to judges and say they censor, ban, etc. No. It's government colluding with Big Tech. There are laws against that. People must go after the real people who are actually doing it and not the puppets, the cover-stories they hide behind. Watch out for these people.


Covid Log

Forbidden News | Forbidden Videos | Forbidden Links

Covid Vaccines are killing people. Covid can be killed easily.

12:10 PM
If you took the shot, there are crystals which will continue to grow inside you until you die, it may take a few years, we are talking about billions of people who cannot have children dead before 2030 and many before 2025. China refused the jabs from America.

My Autobiography

History | Future | 1900s | 2000s | 0000s | 1000s | 2000s


List of my Favorite Websites

Find Me on social media networks: | Facebook | Instagram | Tik Tok | Twitter | YouTube | Bitchute | Gab | Minds | and other places too.

The story of my life is like the story of a little boy named Billy Breaker stuck inside an Arnold Attic. The origin of my life can be traced back to my birth in 1985 in Oregon. I grew up in a ghetto. I was homeschooled. I lived in Hawaii. I taught English in Vietnam.

02:39 AM
Burglar. Aka House Squatter which is legal in some places in America

They Took Our Homes

2021-08-12 - Thursday - 11:12 AM - Dream Log - Gab

I went to get an apartment in a large city. It might have been as large as a condo. I saw other people come in and we waited outside of these large skyscraper. So, it was me and like five other men and women. We were probably in our thirties and forties and maybe some were older than that as well. At least one girl in like her twenties came with clipboard or something. She was like a manager, a landlord, or something. She said calmly that we were not the kinds of tenants she was looking because we don't wear masks or get Covid Vaccines which do kill people. Well, she might have said things very indirectly, I forget the exact details or word. I was surprised that none of us compromised just to get the rooms. Well, not sure if anybody ended up getting a tour of the apartments or not but I remember the girl leaving and I was left and most if not all of us were still there. Oddly, the girl wasn't wearing a mask either. We all talked among ourselves a little and then, being the comedian that I am, I walked a few feet away from the group and towards the busy metro streets to scream out in a funny way, "They took our jobs and now they take our homes."

You know oddly enough, the dream I had before this involved moving from one room in this house to an eve larger room. A pretty large living room and private bathroom.

This community is about learning and teaching the English language.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Here is a photo of me with at an English club in Vietnam in 2013.

Learning English is kind of like eating oatmeal because it takes a bite at a time.

This community is all about wholistic medicine, natural remedies, cures, prevention, etc.

2021-08-12 - Thursday - 01:10 AM - Health Log - Gab
System Biology was developed in 2003 because they learned that humans and worms have roughly the same amount of genes but that the difference has to do with how genes interact with certain proteins in order to make humans more complex and different.

Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

12:00 AM
Freedom Patriot Network - Cyber Symposium - Frankspeech.com

Dr. Shiva
It's not Big Tech, it's Government Tech.
Watch out for these people. It's not Big Tech, it's Government Tech. See, Big Tech lie when they say Big Tech ban people. Actually, government tells Big Tech to censor people. But in a court of law, they lie to judges and say they censor, ban, etc. No. It's government colluding with Big Tech. There are laws against that. People must go after the real people who are actually doing it and not the puppets, the cover-stories they hide behind. Watch out for these people.

What we want is not diversity of skin color but diversity of ideas.
System Biology was developed in 2003 because they learned that humans and worms have roughly the same amount of genes but that the difference has to do with how genes interact with certain proteins in order to make humans more complex and different.
We have 6 trillion cells but 300 trillion bacteria and viruses.

Bell-weather states and counties. If you win them, you generally win the U.S. Presidential Election going back to the 1800s for many of them, if you win them then you usually win the election or probably always do if you win some or all of these key places. Trump won so many of them in 2016 and even more in 2020. Many Presidents do worse their second election and yet Trump did even better. Trump got 94% and in the past if you got more than 72% then you won. Since 1892, nobody has has gain votes their second time and yet lost.

2016 to 2020, a 21 to 1 increase in Republican voters over Democrats in PA.

03:08 AM
Flat Earth - The Lost History of Flat Earth part FULL (1-7)

Is Siberia the closest thing to the legend of Hyperborea and wouldn't they have stories about it?

What is Terra Vista?
Is the moon made of plasma?

you do not have to use special software to do it, it depends on how much money you want to spend and how well of a job you want, i could do it for a lot less than that

11:44 AM
Freedom Patriot Network - Cyber Symposium - Frankspeech.com

​you do not have to use special software to do it, it depends on how much money you want to spend and how well of a job you want, i could do it for a lot less than that

You need people who can teach themselves how to figure things out, it is not just about training but about wisdom and the ability to figure things out on the fly, to be creative, to be able to research on search engines like Google, Duck Duck Go, etc. It does not have to be expensive. This old man is partly wrong. Linux actually has free programs for forensic imaging but they don't call it forensic. But ddrescue is a free program that does the same thing but for free. There are so many ways people can copy the data off drives and so many different places you can copy them too.

Why not use ddrescue, it is a free program and it does forensic imaging, and it is free. You do NOT have to use Windows. You just need WINE and other things. There are so many options.

You also do not have to use SSD hard drives, older HDD drives, the older kinds, and thumb drives, and CDs, DVDs, etc, etc, can be used, you can literally create the FORENSIC IMAGE or copy of the hard drive to NOT-ONLY SSD drives but you also have so many other options and some of those options can be a lot less expensive.

routers can be hacked into remotely, so find some hackers, the machines can be hacked into, so we can do it as long as those devices are connected online

12:04 PM

Psychology war using everyday items.
If you took the shot, there are crystals which will continue to grow inside you until you die, it may take a few years, we are talking about billions of people who cannot have children dead before 2030 and many before 2025. China refused the jabs from America.

Doctors and nurses give this girl MAD COW. She is crying. Crystals will grow in her body and kill her. Mommy is there too. Mommy is MURDERING her baby. Mommy is hugging her and so happy her daughter will die a painful dead. Billions of people soon. Are you excited to see everyone around you die die die die die die? Are you ready?

They want to inject Crystal Snakes into the daughter of Alex Jones.

Anthony Cooper owns trillions of dollars, he is richer than Bill Gates, he is married into or related to some of the richest families and some of them keep their wealth pretty secret, some of them lay low.

12:49 PM

Vitamin C saves lives and doctors and nurses are refusing to do it and you must demand it from them or else you will leave, your love ones will go on HOSPICE.

03:47 PM

Going down the same path, same shared principles, goals, path, missions, heart, is critical.
Love is a foundation for everything including money and life itself.

04:29 PM

They're trying to get Anti-Vaxxers to protest in America so they can create another Jan6 all over again, they will try to blow up hospitals or schools and blame it on the Anti-Vaxxers. So far, the globalists are angry because there are no giant rallies, protests, marches, in the United States. But when there are, they will try very hard to use the fake news to spread the lies and force military to take Americans to FEMA camps, the CDC internment Death Camps where you will rot and die in. That's the plan, to have police stationed on so many highways ready to pull you over to test you and then make up an excuse to throw you in these camps. You have been warned. They want to either go crazy or to do nothing at all and either of those two choices are the wrong choices for you.

05:32 PM
Freedom Patriot Network - Cyber Symposium - Frankspeech.com

2021-08-12 - Thursday - 05:37 PM - 2020 Election Log - Gab
Voting machines may not be directly connected to the Internet and yet it can be indirectly connected. So, Dominion can say they're NOT connected online and they may be correct technically speaking in the alleged language of legal-ese. The gateway to the world wide web can be via phone or other devices which may be connected to the internal networks at a voting site.

All 50 states were represented at the Symposium.

07:41 PM

09:06 PM
My mommy took the joob and now look. She is dying. Arnold The Terminator said, "SCREW YOUR FREEDOM" said a man who is free to go anywhere and do anything he wants to do as millions to billions of people die painfully and slowly over the course of several years in the 2020s globally.

Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching

11:44 AM
Freedom Patriot Network - Cyber Symposium - Frankspeech.com

12:04 PM

12:49 PM

03:47 PM

04:29 PM

05:32 PM
Freedom Patriot Network - Cyber Symposium - Frankspeech.com

07:41 PM

Dear diary, got up at 11:00 AM apx, see dream log above. They stole our jobs and homes I said in my dream in a joking but serious manner, yelling for fun but it aint no lie. Chores in the morning and after noon around 11 AM, noon, and also around 1 PM to 03:26 PM, compost, picking up weed piles and yard debris in the front yard, dishes, compost, garbage ok, delivered today were 2 boxes of new bottled water which I put in the big garage, some organizing, watering strawberries, tomatoes, new grapes. Larry harvested some tomatoes before 11 I think. Talk to mom about differences between different kinds of masks as it was being talked about on Dr. Oz. Talk about when the world might return to normal or what. What does that mean? What does normal mean? Is it a China Virus or a Chinese Virus or a Wuhan Virus or a Indian Variant or a Sydney Variant or what about the Mexicans? Connecting Covid with Lockdown? Who am I talking to, you or are you pretending to be NPC leftists I said to mom. Does it matter the differences between different masks? What matters is stopping Covid which is easy and now Covid Vaccines are killing people. Mail. Weeds. Hot day around 90 degrees, hung up clothes. Sweep. Mop. Lunch at 03:31 PM. Scanned 100 photos and posted 2 articles on those pictures, see the links above. Spent the last 5 or so hours on that or on finishing all of that.

Food log
Breakfast: coffee, fruit cocktail salad in a small plastic container, around 11 to noon.
Lunch: soup, 03:31 PM.
Dinner: more soup stuff like 7 or something. I forget exactly.

Rom, can we please talk about which groups might be talking about me or might be saying you are me? You're like my only insider, my only secret agent man.

You can find my blogs on different websites.
Google my display name, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, lookup my username, Joeyarnoldvn, type in random keywords like 1985 Oregon, etc, in order to find out where you can find me on different websites, social media networks, blockchains, other links, other sites across the Internet, or click here.
The web address or URL for my blogs is/are generally domain-name / @joeyarnoldvn. Just replace domain-name with the name of the website. It might be Peakd . com or Ecency . com or Steemit . com or Hive . Blog, etc, etc. My main official username or display-name for most social media apps, blockchain networks, websites, email addresses, forums, message boards, bulletins, sites, etc, is JOEYARNOLDVN or joeyarnoldvn, as in @joeyarnoldvn. It is a hashtag or tag as well. That is my username. It is simply my name, Joey Arnold, plus VN meaning Vietnam. It is generally not case-sensitive. You can find me on many different places online and offline. I'm going to present some of the places you might find my blog in case you can't find it someday, this will help you know where to look. Some websites may automatically edit the following links below meaning you would have to manually correct the URLs. For example, if you're viewing this on PeakD, then Ecency and Hive Blog links are automatically turned into PeakD links meaning you will not see actual links to Ecency or Hive Blog via PeakD. Oh, Ecency does this too. But Hive Blog does not.
Click here to see a more complete and thorough list of the different places where you may find my blogs, diary, journals, articles, posts, etc.

The following is only a sneak preview of a few examples of where you might find my daily posts.
Ausbit . Dev: https://hive.ausbit.dev/@joeyarnoldvn
Blurt Blog: https://blurt.blog/@joeyarnoldvn
Blurtter . com: https://blurtter.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Dream-Real . com: https://dream-real.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Ecency . com: https://ecency.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Esteem . App: https://www.esteem.app/@joeyarnoldvn
Hive Blocks . com: https://hiveblocks.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Hive . Blog: https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn | https://hiveblog.c0ff33a.uk/@joeyarnoldvn
Leo Finance . IO: https://leofinance.io/@joeyarnoldvn
Online Buzz . com: https://onlinebuzz.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Staging-Blog Hive . IO: https://staging-blog.hive.io/@joeyarnoldvn
Stem . Open Hive . Network: https://stem.openhive.network/#!/@joeyarnoldvn
Peakd . com: https://peakd.com/@joeyarnoldvn | https://beta.peakd.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Personal . Community: https://personal.community/?hive=joeyarnoldvn
Read . Cash: https://read.cash/@joeyarnoldvn
Steemd . com: https://steemd.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steem KR . com: https://steemkr.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steemit . com: https://steemit.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steem World . Org: https://steemworld.org/@joeyarnoldvn
Stem Geeks.net: https://stemgeeks.net/@joeyarnoldvn
Sub Stack . com: https://joeyarnoldvn.substack.com
Waivio . com: https://www.waivio.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Weed Cash . Network: https://weedcash.network/@joeyarnoldvn
Google Search: https://www.google.com/search?q=hive+blog+joeyarnoldvn
Duck Duck Go Search: https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=hive+blog+joeyarnoldvn&ia=web
And feel free to add to this list or to make your own, have fun and good luck.

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