AutismOne Conference 2017 Speaker will present a study comparing vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children

in vaccines •  7 years ago 

Finally there is research comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated children. On May 27, 2017 the AutisimOne 2017 Conference in Colorado Springs, Colorado will host Dr. Anthony Mawson.

Dr. Mawson will present new research entitled: Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12- year old U.S. children. His study was designed as a cross-sectional survey of homeschooling mothers on their vaccinated and unvaccinated biological children ages 6 to 12.

The study showed that vaccinated children are plagued with serious health concerns much more often than unvaccinated children.


According to Celeste McGovern of the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute. The trouble with doing a vaccinated vs. unvaccinated study a century or so after it should have been done is that virtually all American children are vaccinated today. When 95 percent of children get injections, there are few ‘controls’ left for studying long-term outcomes. Comparing American children at large to small pockets of unvaccinated children like those in the Amish community is revealing, but critics say they are comparing apples to oranges. There are too many other variables — diet, fresh air, computer time, for example – that might explain differences in health besides vaccination status.

So, Anthony Mawson, a professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the School of Public Health, Jackson State University, along with colleagues Azad Bhuiyan and Binu Jacob, collaborated with Brian D. Ray, president of the National Home Education Research Institute in Salem, OR, to engage and enrol homeschooling families to participate in the study. In this way, homeschoolers were compared to homeschoolers (apples to apples), but with the added advantage that homeschoolers as a population match the profiles of American families at large. The families who responded to the anonymous online survey were recruited through homeschooling associations in Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Oregon.

As with any research you always want to follow the money. This study was supported by grants from Generation Rescue, Inc., and the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute, both charitable organizations that support research on children’s health and safety. It is important to note that the funders had no role or influence on the study design and conduct of the research or the preparation of reports.

Source of photo of sick child

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This sort of controversy is an area in which the crowd sourced encyclopedia, Wikipedia, really shines. Rather than having experts with a particular agenda write the articles on these topics, the articles are revised by each side, with referees ensuring that the content is well referenced, until the articles are robust and balanced. Here is the link to the article I am discussing. Look up the references to the statements with which you disagree - I believe you will find that they are well documented truth.

I think that it is best that we agree to disagree.

I am confident that the 599,972 patients that reported vaccine reactions through VAERS , and those who have been vindicated through the U.S. Court of Claims and have been awarded nearly

$3.6 billion dollars

to vaccine victims for their catastrophic vaccine injuries, as well as the many neurologists, epidemiologists, and learned physicians will continue to speak out against the overreach and damage of the Pharmaceutical Industry. As I will.

The U.S. government handing out stolen money to people is not evidence that vaccines are harmful.

This is a very difficult topic for me as my life has been permanently altered because of a vaccine. I totally agree the money the government uses in any way is stolen from taxpayers.

The fact that the money is stolen isn't really my point though. My point is that because the money is stolen, the incentives are broken and how it's used can't be relied upon as credible vindication of anything.

I appreciate that it's a difficult topic, and I hope you can take this as constructive criticism. Lower quality arguments on either side distract from the best arguments and decrease the odds that the discussion will be productive. None of us have time to fully evaluate everything said by every person we encounter, so we evaluate credibility based on a small sample or first impression, and then prioritize who we listen to most based on that credibility.

Because this extremely small study (666 children total) relies upon self-report and the differences in groups it considers only includes health problems that are easily denied, the results are completely flawed. Many people who do not believe in vaccinations would never take their child to a pediatrician to by diagnosed with subjective health problems such as ADHD, autism, allergies, learning disabilities, etc. Therefore, the unvaccinated group was less likely to be diagnosed with these problems, even if they suffered from them at the same rate as the vaccinated group. When the two groups (vaccinated and not vaccinated) are compared in much larger studies, across the entire nation of the USA, eliminating parental determination of morbidity, the only differences between groups that are found are that unvaccinated children are far more likely to develop vaccine-preventable potentially fatal illnesses . Here are the real facts:

As a former Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner I used to feel as you do. Then I witnessed first hand several severe vaccine reactions and experienced a life altering reaction myself from a mandatory flu shot. I have now changed my mind. I hope you take the time to watch Silent Epidemic and listen to neurologists/ epidemiologists, and other medical professionals. Also did you know that more than 98 million Americans between 1955 and 1963 received the polio vaccine that was contaminated with cancer? No wonder cancer is such a problem today. But, don't worry the Pharmaceutical Industry is raking in the money from all those poor Americans whom they infected. Are you in this group of people? I am.

Here is a list of vaccines and their ingredients:

You must ask yourself, if vaccines are so safe why are vaccine manufactures immune from all liability and cannot be sued for adverse events?

With that information and the govenments plan for Healthy People 2020 and mandatory vaccines cradle to grave
271 new vaccines in the pipeline scares me. Please do your own research don't believe everything the CDC says after all they benefit financially as the CDC own patents on drugs too.

It is pretty rich for you to cite a single poorly designed study and then school me in doing my own research - might ought to take your own advice. I have thoroughly critically reviewed the extensive research on this topic. Meanwhile, the founder of your movement, Andrew Wakefield, who is still so revered, had trouble retaining nurses: they quit in droves and eventually testified in the hearing in which he lost his medical license that he tortured disabled children in his research lab.

Anecdotal evidence is by definition skewed, as you well know, and as a former NP you should also know that it is virtually impossible to know the specific cause of the problems you are assuming are vaccine related. This is worth watching to the end. The speaker, who grew up in a family that was vaccine-averse, is a young woman who became a pediatric nurse practitioner by earning her Master's Degree in Nursing (MSN, PNP) at age 18. Brilliant? You bet! And compassionate too.

I am sorry I had to laugh because of her reference to being called a kid nurse. I have practiced over 20+ years as an NP alone. She is as old as my children so in my opinion she has a lot of life experience ahead of her. Please watch Silent Epidemic.

So the fact that she is a brilliant researcher who was able to gain her MSN by age 18 is completely lost to you because you have so much more anecdotal evidence? WOW. No wonder you are an Anti-Vaxer. And, if the science is not as important to you as the hype, I am really glad you retired. I am a PhD Nurse Researcher with 35 years of bedside peds nursing experience, and I am willing to defer any day to someone with high quality evidence.

Hi! I am a robot. I just upvoted you! I found similar content that readers might be interested in:

I think I am done posting on Steemit. I used > to signify the quote and then even mentioned the author and put it in italics.

Cheetah is a bot, and you should not take its posts personally. It isn't smart enough to know if you're claiming this as original content, and did not accuse you of plagiarism. It's only purpose is making it easier for human readers to notice duplicated content and evaluate whether it's deceptive or not.

Thank you very much for your kind comment. I was under the impression that the upvotes from the cheetah bot were an negative thing. I recently found this post
Again, you are kind to respond to my concerns.

Troglodactyl is completely correct. Cheetah has much evolved since that post 10 months ago.

Thank you so much for your comment. I try to be honest and taking credit for someone else's work is not something I would do. I have a better understanding now.

No problem. If you clearly cite the source, no one in their right mind reading your post should fault you for it!

I hope others have a better understanding because of my learning experience. Thanks again.

I hope not! Thank you for posting this, I've upvoted and resteemed. I desperately hope that the tides will shift away from calling parents crazy for wanting appropriate research in this area. It has been a monstrous testament to the success of social programming thus far. But the war on critical thinking and objective reason seems stronger than ever... Keep fighting the good fight. One day the truth might just set us all free from our mental cages <3

I am tired of the @cheetah inferring I am plagiarizing I used this site for my image
And @cheetah referred to this site for the same image
I formatted the quote in my post and gave the author of the quote credit.
Because @cheetah upvotes me I do not get views and I feel I am wasting my time.

I agree we MUST speak out about vaccines and the damage they cause.

Oh, no doubt. Who's to say the cheetah bot isn't running an algorithm to target the type of information you like to put out? Steemit was set up using Google as its search platform and they're some of the worst perpetrators of censorship in that regard. It's already not even worth using Twitter, Facebook, or JewTube anymore for the same reason. Too bad Steemit is just more of the same.

The ignorant are officially protected from uncomfortable truths.


I am inclined to agree with you as I did not plagiarize any content.

FYI -- Cheetah comments are agnostic of content. It only searches for commonality of text. And even if I wanted to, it's an incredibly hard programming problem to digest knowledge about what a body of text is talking about. There's decades of literature on machine learning trying to solve this problem, and we still are not even good at it. I don't know how to do it either.

That is really strange.
I'll try to figure out what triggered Cheetah later when I'm back home.
Please don't worry too much about it. You might lose out on a few votes right now, but you've still got me and I know that you don't plagiarize.
You are not being flagged at this point, and that would be much worse.

Thanks, I am kind of in agreement with @dodecahydra on whether the @cheetah is a method of censorship on Steemit.

You cannot be censored on this platform. Everything is still visible by anyone and permanently stored on the blockchain.

That is so good to know because there is so much censorship going on in other areas on the internet. It is out of control. I really appreciate your comments and explanation.

No worries, that is an automated thing and is not saying you are plagiarizing - as far as i understand this bot.