The rise of POLI-SCIENCE (as opposed to the "political science" which lefties still teach in our universities) spells the end of true intellectual discipline and independent inquiry. "Political science" in the more common context--i.e. trumped up faux science designed to support a predetermined political objective--has been around since the advent of the "Theory of Evolution" (still taught as the FACT of evolution, despite very dubious sources, claims, and no real facts) first burst on the scene at the behest of all already-corrupted political elite in the late 19th century.
(Image courtesy of
More recently, that same political set has been pushing the "climate change" hokum as "science," even though those pushing the idea that mankind is responsible AND MUST PAY know there science is trumped up, and that "climate change" always occurs, and has occurred more rapidly in the past than it is now. The latest major field for faux "science," are the claims made about the safety and efficacy of vaccines pushed by the people who fund about 30% of our Congressmen's re-election campaigns.
The fact that all the major social media platforms (except Steemit--for now) are censoring all discussion over the "science" involved is a surefire sign that the real science does NOT support the contentions. Not only are major platforms banning the unproven (but heavily-suspected) autism connections to vaccines, but all discussion of Big Pharma collusion with government regulatory bodies, PROVEN falsification of facts, etc., are also being banned.
In other words PROPAGANDA is being supported in a blatant manner, and there doesn't seem to be much the taxpayers (who funded some of this startups via DARPA and or the spook agencies) can do about it.
Check out this link, for example:
Here is a key excerpt:
"Just as we warned would happen, the tech giants are now moving aggressively to ban all speech that contradicts whatever 'official' position is decided to be 'the truth' by the corrupt establishment. This week, Facebook announced it would block all content on Facebook that questions the official dogma on vaccines, which falsely insists that vaccines have never harmed anyone (a hilarious lie), that vaccines contain only safe ingredients (a blatant deception) and that vaccines always work on everyone (another laughable lie). Facebook is achieving this by labeling vaccine awareness information 'misinformation' or 'hoaxes'.”
(Image courtesy of
Without honest debate, re-assessment, and retractions, there IS NO REAL SCIENCE. The scientific method requires that all tests be reproducible, and in many cases, when it comes to specific vaccines, they are not only not reproducible, no honest and meaningful testing has even been done. Vaccines dangers themselves are, of course, only the tip of the iceberg of real danger. The real danger lies in the soon-to-be-granted "right" of government to put ANYTHING THEY WANT into people's bodies against their will; which, of course, could some day be even a "death pill" for those not willing to keep silent about all the lies and propaganda of governments.
Thirty states are considering vaccine bills in the USA right now. Get out and testify, or failing that, call your state reps and senators and tell them your body belongs to you, your spouse, and your God...NOT TO GOVERNMENT!