Don't quote me but if I am wrong please correct me. Has it not been proven that polio decline was already in progress before the vaccine was introduced? Were not sanitation issues addressed that help put many diseases at bay BEFORE vaccines were made available. Is it true that Polio today still exist under other names tho there is a polio vaccine? If so what is causing it? questions I have asked myself to ensure I am looking at all sides. I know we are told that unless we vaccinate against these childhood diseases and other diseases will spread and if you don't get vaccinated you are contagious. BUT does is not make sense that those vaccinated with vaccines that contain live viruses in them are the ones contagious? how can someone be contagious if they are not sick nor have contracted the virus? and why on earth are baby injected with vaccines that are meant for the prevention sexual transmitted diseases? something isn't adding up...and if one child gets injured or 5 children verses 20 do those children don't matter? This is a topic that has me looking at BOTH sides for sure. oh if the diseases on your list have been cured then why was there an outbreak of, I believe measles in Disney Land or was it world and the majority of the one sick were vaccinated against said disease? see just doesn't add up....The Flu hasn't been cured for sure as every year they have to come up with another flu shot that is only 10-30% effective if any against the virus that keeps mutating.
RE: Vaccines Are Bullshit- Youtube Isn't Credible Evidence!
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Vaccines Are Bullshit- Youtube Isn't Credible Evidence!