How will skeptics be forced to take the vaccine without it being made mandatory?

in vaccines •  4 years ago 

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The agenda to vaccinate the world is no secret but what will be done about the growing number of people who know the production of this vaccine has been rushed (forgoing the usual safety trials) and that vaccine companies are now exempt from liability, giving no legal protection to those who suffer as a result of getting vaccinated? Given the choice, most healthy logical humans who are not living in total fear will simply choose not to take it. Indeed, many of my personal friends are family are defiantly stating their position now that they better understand the situation, but from my perspective their defiance is misplaced because they do not understand (or simply refuse to accept) the way in which they will be forced to take it.

So will governments just make it mandatory? No. In fact, I don't believe too many countries will take this approach. Rather they will make it mandatory only in certain situations (like if you're a student or health care worker) and slowly over time expand on the number of situations, until eventually everyone has no choice.

All of that being said, there is currently no need to make anything mandatory while the people themselves force it on each other, even before it is available.


Many business owners are desperate after the disruption of two lockdowns and are no longer in a position to quarantine staff and close the business again due to one person testing positive. Their only solution is to get everyone vaccinated. But what if one employer refuses? The business owner generally speaking does not have the power to force this particular vaccine on his staff yet (while the flu vaccine is legally enforceable by employers in the US), but in many countries they do have the power to fire staff because they won't adhere to company policies.

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So that member of staff who is rightly suspicious of this vaccine will likely be in a similar position to the business owner, desperate for money and no longer able to refuse potential income. Leaving them no choice but to roll up their sleeve.


I could drop articles here but I am just going to assume you have already seen the airlines talking about the importance of the health passports which display our current status. A number of airlines have directly stated that once the vaccine is widely available, passengers will not be permitted to travel unless they are vaccinated and it is logical to assume that over time this approach will be adopted by all airlines and other methods of international transport.

Eventually of course, this will be expanded out to all forms of public transport.


As the main thing required to sustain human life on Earth, food is unquestionably the most powerful control mechanism available to the elite.

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Currently you are being asked to wear a mask to go food shopping and soon the vaccine will be right there outside your supermarket. All you have to do is get in line and get jabbed before continuing on your shopping trip. Don't believe me? Here is an article from one week ago:

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I know I am speculating here but I imagine we are not far from the moment when the mandatory use of a mask is replaced by the mandatory use of a vaccine, offering us the chance to finally take them off while we buy our food and breathe as nature intended. So what will you do if your supermarket tells you to join the vaccine queue or go home?

Internet shopping you say? Perhaps. But that would make you reliant on the internet, which I am sorry to tell you is not infallible.

The upcoming cyber attack

If you are not already familiar with Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum I suggest you get familiar because he appears to have more power than any of your elected leaders.

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It is worth noting that Schwab was a student of Henry Kissenger, whose food related quote I included above.

In July this year Schwab warned us of a possible cyber attack which would create far more havoc than covid. Hard to imagine right?

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Americold are responsible for the transport of 97% of all frozen food in the US, so when their systems go down, supermarkets & grocery stores will feel it very quickly. Just two weeks ago they experienced a cyber attack which completely halted the movement of frozen food and while I know I am in speculation land again, it seems clear to me this was a test run for something much bigger.

For two days the delivery drivers simply had to wait.

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Supermarkets generally have enough stock to cover three days, so this was just long enough to know with certainty Americold were unable to do anything at all with their system down, but short enough to prevent a disruption to the food supply, meaning that no one noticed. And naturally this event was completely ignored by the mainstream media.

Are you feeling suspicious yet? You should be.

Or perhaps you think it is a coincidence the FBI just happened to put out a tweet last week relating to cybercrime, while tagging the World Economic Forum?

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False flag events are planned long in advance

The idea that a cyber attack is coming has been slowly worked into our subconscious since 2013. This way when it happens we will accept it much more easily as a plausible event.

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But that would just affect big businesses and internet related stuff, right?


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So if a world-wide cyber attack were to occur (or simply be staged) it is very possible and justifiable that you would quickly have no power, no water, no mobile phone connection and no internet. Potentially for a long time.

Much easier now to understand what Schwab meant when he gave us his warning back in July:

We all know, but still pay insufficient attention to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack which would bring to a complete halt the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The covid19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack.

The only way you would be able to eat & drink (assuming you don't grow your own food & filter your own water from a natural source) would be to buy whatever was available at any shops which were still open. While it is evident now these shops will quickly run out of frozen food in this situation they will likely still be able to provide you with water & something to fill your belly.

So, faced with dehydration & starvation or the vaccine queue outside the supermarket (which just happens to be the only place left to buy food & water) I think the decision will be easy for people, skeptics included.

When do I expect this to happen?

As soon there are enough vaccines in circulation to jab the entire population. I tried to dig up info on exactly when this might be but it is hard to pinpoint. Likely some time in the first half of 2021.

Which gives you plenty of time to prepare!

Food independence above all

I have spent this entire year reminding you regularly about of the importance of growing your own food, learning to forage from the wild and to store it over winter. The reason for me sharing this message with you over the last year is completely unrelated to the reason descried above because as time goes on the total number of reasons why food independence is intimately connected with our freedom will only continue to grow.

So, if you are looking to avoid getting jabbed against your will (amongst other things), you know what to do 🌱

And if you are looking for a library of downloadable books & films which will very likely help you in the coming years, I recommend you check out my @survival-archive account on LBRY where I will be re-focusing my energy now that I am back home after a recent outdoor project.

My four most popular uploads seen here.

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Remember, much joy can be found in preparing for all eventualities!

Love & Light everyone 🌿

Title image taken from this episode of Family Guy and the majority of information in this article taken from Christian @iceagefarmer who I personally feel to be a trustworthy & reliable source.

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I'm so amazed at how many of my peers and some family are looking forward to and optimistic that they are about things getting better after we get the vaccination. These are the same people who brought my attention as a youth to question social, political and corporate agenda.

Anyway, I'm thinking in the more rural areas they will achieve less success with their agenda. There's an article in zerohedge that suggests that the US is going from a collection of states to a collection of counties. Who knows, it's definitely a wild ride and while they may have the loudest voices and dreams unimaginable to a well intended person they're dealing against power over force.

Whatever may happen it's never dull a moment.

Absolutely right about there never being a dull moment! In many ways we are living in the most exciting show ever created ;)

Thanks for your comment. I don't seem to get too many of these here on steem any more.

That's a shame. I'm glad to see you're here and feel much of what you post is valuable to most of the people on this platform. I for one must congratulate and thank you on your post regarding Nexo back in 2018.

Great work taking my advice ;)

And I am so very happy to hear you tell me that! About the Nexo I mean.

It is hard to know if anyone actually takes action when I shill coins.

But you did! Which is brilliant :)

Thank you for telling me.

Enjoy the ride and don't forget to use Nexo for what it was intended:

Take crypto loan
Invest into growing crypto market
Pay back loan (keeping a percentage of the new investments)
Repeat as many times as possible before the party is over.

This is what I intend to do once BTC breaks 20K.

The annual dividends and daily interest have proven to be nice as well.

Yes, the dividends are like the cherry on the cake! So many tokens these days are incentivising long term hodling in some way.

Do you keep other assets in your nexo platform wallet?

Yes, I have a few just stacking away!