Informed Consent

in vaccines •  4 years ago 

Informed Consent

The reality is that doctors are getting paid bonuses for vaccinations. They are paid by the insurance companies. Doctors are also given talking points for vaccination conversations. Check out AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) Talking Points on how to conversate with Vaccine Hesitant Parents. Vaccine Hesitant Parents ( Below is talking points taken directly from the website.

"Researchers found that pediatricians who provided a "presumptive recommendation" – informed parents that shots were due, rather than a "participatory recommendation" – asking what the parent thought about shots, were more likely to see parents accept vaccines.

Opel, et al. The Architecture of Provider-Parent Vaccine Discussions at Health Supervision Visits. 2013. Pediatrics, 134, 139, 2013-2037.



• "Do you want to vaccinate your child today?"
• "What do you think about vaccines?"
• "Would you like to hear about the vaccines we offer for today's visit?"


• "Today your child is due for 2 vaccines. We will be giving MMR and Varicella."
• "It's time for an annual influenza vaccine. Your child is old enough to receive either the inactivated shot or the live nasal spray."
Parent Question: Do vaccines cause autism?

CASE Response:

• Corroborate: I understand why you might think this. There is a lot of information online and in the news about vaccines and autism.

• About Me: I like to make sure that I always have the most up-to-date information on this topic so I can inform families about what we do know about vaccines and autism, so I've researched this thoroughly.

• Science: The scientific evidence does not show any link between vaccines and autism. There have been several studies that have looked for a connection, but none has been seen. The CDC, the AAP, the National Institutes for Health, and the Institute of Medicine agree that vaccines do not cause autism.

• Explain/Advise: But vaccines are critical to maintaining health and wellbeing. They prevent diseases that cause real harm. Choosing not to vaccinate does not protect children from autism, but does leave them open to diseases. I would recommend that your child receive these vaccines today. "

There are several red flags everyone should be aware of in order to truly make an informed decision. DOCTORS ARE BEING TOLD WHAT TO SAY TO PARENTS!! They are being given scripts! They are taking presumptive measures so parents don’t ask questions!! Doctors are part of the problem!

Wake up, parents!!

If parents are aware of all the information regarding vaccines, side effects, adverse events, have read the package inserts, have read/understand the studies that have been done and still choose to vaccinate, then that is their choice.
Unfortunately, vaccine information is not fully presented to parents/people. Parents are too trusting of doctors and mainstream media which are funded by Big Pharma companies. We have to take responsibility and not put blind faith into any one source.

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