I'll take my natural immunity 🖼 any day over vaccines💉

in vaccines •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi all!

I thought for today's super essay I would talk about an issue very important to me. I don't normally try to get controversial or anything because I just wanna get along with as many people as possible. But it seems like not enough people here in California and indeed all over the western world want to do the same. And recently the damage from these things I hate have been growing, if you would like to learn more, @canadian-coconut has some pretty harrowing story's about it. In the last long forms, I spoke about my homeschooling and my upbringing, and this week I am going to speak about me and my parents personal views on vaccines.

I'll start by saying three things; first I don't want or believe in forcing people to do something based on my ideology, second I don't think people who don't vaccinate are the kooks the mainstream media portray them as, and thirdly I think the people perpetrating that stereotype and message are total shills. I also know that a lot of people who are pro-vaccine are just that way because of the success of big-pharma's propaganda and public (prison) school's indoctrination.

I'll be upfront, I was never vaccinated, my parents wanted to give me the choice when I got older, and I chose not to. And looking back in retrospect I am so lucky I grew up the way I did, I've been very lucky to be very healthy.

I grew up in non-urban setting, with actual trees and breathable air. It was awesome, and when you're little and you grow up exploring rivers and hills and the forest, well... things aren't as sterile as they are in the cities.

What I mean by this is that my environment developed my natural immunity, and that immunity has kept me safe for my entire life! Simply put having natural immunity is better! Here's how it works


Some basic tips:

• Take a walk in the park, or go for a hike! Play around in the dirt, feel free to prep your food on a rock!

• Talk to people, get exposed to others microbiomes!

• Don't get vaccinated, because aside from all the other sketchy stuff, if you do, your immune system learns it doesn't really need to adapt and that can make you and it weaker!

So yes, I grew up unvaccinated, and i am perfectly healthy! Sure I've gotten sick, but I've always gotten better. I have confidence in my body's ability to deal with the grime of life, unlike with others in my extended family, who's parents hover over them like sanitation helicopters.

I'm curious to hear what you guys think! Do you think I'm wrong or have you had any negative experiences with vaccines? Please comment down below!

As always please upvote, follow and resteem!

Lots of love


Aforementioned vaccination articles by @canadian-coconut:





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I'm a PhD scientist. I stopped vaccinating because I think they cause harm. The medical studies that are often mentioned are based on fraud. It's tobacco science. Health improvements came through sanitation. Many of the vaccines weren't even added until after the vast majority of the decline of cases happened. Do your own research before advocating one way or another and don't just trust the studies.

Can I get an amen?

No, don't trust year-long global multicenter studies. Trust a "PhD scientist" from the interwebs.

Right, just blindly trust every piece of data from companies that make billions. I'm assuming you're still smoking which is good for your lungs in a house lined with asbestos which is great insulation, spraying DDT which will have no lasting impact on the environment, enjoying your walls which have been colored by leaded paint. Corporations can cause no harm. I bow to your vast understanding.

I just read a lot of shit and realized one day that they were lying, they are lying, and predict they will be lying.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@aggroed One of the most important traits to have as a scientist is to be open minded and willing to look at what scientific evidence reflects about the way things work, regardless of our personal ideology. If you just shut down your own reasoning with a "I will never believe them, they are evil and are full of shit and will never believe them no matter what they say!" attitude, you are blinding yourself to valid possibilities and solid evidence about how our world works.

Sure, there are models and paradigms we don't like or make us feel uncomfortable, but ultimately the way nature works (and our bodies, for that matter) is not a matter of opinions, but an objective fact that can be discovered through scientific research. One must analyze the big picture instead of just cherry picking whatever bits of information that make us feel more comfortable. Is research fallible and manipulable by bigger interests? Of course it is! But it is the best approach we have, and it would be foolish to discard every piece of knowledge obtained and verified countless times just because of a personal suspicion that maybe some of it might be manipulated, or because of a few known examples where there was clear scientific misconduct.

By the way, I took a look at your profile and couldn't find any kind of science-related content published by you, what field do you work in as a scientist?

Again, a lot of what you're talking about assumes that models aren't tampered with on purpose. These guys lie and manipulate data. You can be open minded and all, but gotta have a reasonable starting point.

You are using a computer or even a mobile device to write this comment. These are complex instruments that make use of various interconnected microelectronic elements (e.g. Transistors) and can execute complicated maths based procedures (think of Bitcoin mining). They are the results of decades and decades of intellectual work and experimental research by scientists in the fields of physics, engineering and cybernetics. Lastly, communication technology added the internet on top of the computer (developed by the US Department of Defense). Nowadays, companies like Microsoft or Apple earn tens of billions of USD selling this technology to the people globally.
According to your logics, the models that the IT products are based on were manipulated and tampered with (because scientists developed them and the IT industry earns lots of money!). So what will happen then as a consequence of the manipulation? Are we all going to get cancer from the electromagnetic radiation that these devices emit? The pharma companies will come into play and sell their useless anti-cancer drugs to earn billions of dollars and profit from all the pain that the IT industry has caused. Because, guess what? The IT and pharma companies have planed this all along! For the purpose of killing off humanity, even the evil scientists and developers themselves included.
Point is, you see that your smartphone or computer work because they do what you want them to do (most of the times, at least). You experience it with your own senses and can yourself easily verify the claims made by IT tech developers.
Now that is not possible when it comes to biomedical research because we humans cannot even visually distinguish a single cell from another, not to speak of macromolecules like antibodies or DNA molecules, due to limitations of the resolution of our eyesight.
It is understandable that many people will be very suspiscious of research in the field of cell biology since there is almost no way that a layman can verify the results himself due to the complex equipment and methods, time and knowledge needed to do this.
This is where science communication comes into play and judging from the article that we are commenting on and at least half of the comments, science communication has failed. This makes me sad and a little bit angry.

Great response! These people usually just take a stance and go "nanananana". You can't buy every fucking scientist out there! All theses scientists are people too. They have a family too! A majority of them is trying to make the world a better place.

Someone sane and with a humor- thank you! @replichara

Most people don't know what they think they know. They blindly trust doctor's and the system that gave them their training. They believe that everything is based in science and has been tested and approved because it works.

It is all a lie.

The system we know started with a Rockefeller and Carnegie funded study called the Flexner Report. Rockefeller was looking for ways to generate profit from his pharmaceutical products that began as byproducts of oil refinement.

Read the history and the money interests that control our current medical system. It is designed with pharmaceuticals in mind. It is all about the drugs and the profits. And if you think vaccines were created because they wanted to save the world, you have your head in the sand.

Everything is manipulated. Supposed scientific data, studies, etc. Everything has a price and those who control the money control the narrative also. Thus the vaccine propaganda.

If you are going to put information out there, at least make sure the figures you are quoting are not paid for by the system itself.

Hi, great post! I think you are absolutely right, natural immunity will always be much more effective than anything a vaccine can provide.
With so much controversy around whether to vaccinate children, it's good to hear stories from unvaccinated adults. My youngest child is completely unvaccinated, my oldest had a few. To stop vaccinating was the best decision I ever made.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

" I think you are absolutely right, natural immunity will always be much more effective than anything a vaccine can provide."

Care to explain why do you think this is the case?


Here is one example. I think this post explains better than I could on this thread. Of course this is a controversial topic and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, these are just my personal views.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@katem The post you linked seems to propose that the single reason why natural immunity is more effective than the protection provided by vaccination is that it lasts longer. I find the reasoning in it confusing and a bit difficult to follow since the premise seems to be that for things to work out "naturally" mothers would have to get sick in order to then transfer their immunity to their babies...

It seems a lot of people are missing the obvious:

Here’s the important thing about natural immunity: to get it, you have to get the disease! There is no universe in which it is better to get the disease so that you are protected from future infections for longer rather than simply avoiding getting the disease in the first place! Personally, I rather my children never have to experience suffering the damage (and potential life-threatening effects) of contracting Pertussis, Hepatitis, Malaria or Polio just to give their natural immunity a chance to work by itself!

This principle is explained in the following article, which nicely dissects in very understandable terms why the span of protection provided by vaccines is effective even if it is not life long, why it is temporary in the first place, and why boosters are not such a big deal as some people seem to believe:


You have no "natural immunity" to polio or smallpox or a great many other diseases that haven't already killed or otherwise greatly harmed you because enough people vaccinated themselves to eradicate those diseases for you.

You aren't lucky your parents chose to not vaccinate you or that you chose to not vaccinate yourself. You're lucky you were born in a time when vaccines have done such an incredible job at ridding the world of suffering that you can choose to opt out and free ride on the responsible choices of others via herd immunity.

By the way, dogs don't have a natural immunity to rabies either, so if you have one, please make sure you upgrade its immune system with a rabies vaccine.

Actually it was advances in sanitation and public health (such as more widespread handwashing, clean drinking water, etc.) that started the decrease of various diseases. Vaccines for them came on the scene after the illnesses were well in decline. The vaccines may have helped, but they can't take all the credit.

They surely do not have to take all the credit. But they are a huge part of the medical evolution.

Do you really believe all that?

Agree. In Latvia, at one time there was a fashion to refuse vaccinations. The result was sad - measles and diphtheria pandemic.

Severely ill unvaccinated children and even unvaccinated adults - who, according to the logic of anti-vaccination, should have a powerful natural immunity.

But he somehow did not help them.

While non-government organisations are working hard to end world poverty, the World Health Organisation is trying to jab every child in poor communities with MMR vaccine. Epidemics of autism are now appearing in these communities. African languages use the term “the absent disease” for this new condition.

Children in affluent communities can also die or suffer permanent damage from measles. They are vulnerable if they have a pre-existing condition like cancer or pneumonia, or are taking immune-suppressing drugs.

The world's last known case of smallpox was reported in Africa in 1977. In 1980, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that smallpox was wiped out — the first (and only) time in history that an infectious disease was declared eliminated from the planet.
The vaccine was not used in every country yet, the small pox was eradicated worldwide. Some countries helped without the use of vaccination and instead used quarantining, which shows that it was more then just vaccination that removed smallpox, it was undertanding through combined knowledge.

Stay clean. stay healthy. stay thirsty my friends XD

mainstream media's mainsteam story

Thank you for going out of your comfort zone a bit to share you point of view with the world. I think it's an important thing to do. It's so strange to me how blindly people trust doctors who say they need to stick their baby with a ton of needles and put foreign substances into their body right after they are born!! What!? I recently shared my story of why I didn't get the Rhogam shot while pregnant. If you are interested in reading it you can find it here: https://steemit.com/vaccines/@sylviategan/the-rhogam-shot-why-i-chose-not-to-get-it-while-pregnant

Thank you for this post. We as a society have such a 'quick-fix' mentality when it comes to disease and sickness. Have a cold? Take some steroids. ADHD? Heres some ritalin. But we don't realize that these drugs actually have a profoundly negative effect on our bodies and totally mess up our body structure. I'm all for natural immunity. I find that going natural almost always makes me feel better in the long run than taking medicine.

Quite a few parents relied on "natural diets" and "natural cures" and ended up with manslaughter charges for their child's death from malnutrition or lack of access to modern medicine.

Lumping ADHD and colds together with immunizations is such a scary thought to me. These things are nowhere near the same and should rarely be related together.

Appeal to fear is not the the path to logic, and is not the path to knowledge. Being stampeded into acting against self interest, by fear of authority, or fear of death is not the path to health or life. Everyone must be free to make their own decisions and their own mistakes. The choices here seem to inevitably boil down to individual potential for success, or enforced failure by mandate of authority, and/or manipulation by moneyed interests. I'll take my chances that my intelligence and knowledge will keep me safer than the corrupt and bumbling state.

Quite a few parents relied on vaccination only to have it turn perfectly healthy children into vacant zombies. Hygiene and sanitation have accomplished all of what the vaccination promoters have taken credit for. Results are the most desirable destination. This 'modern medicine', of which you speak, is not modern at all but is archaic, regulatory controlled, and soon to be mandated, poison that demonstrably harms and kills (see: iatrogenic death statistics). Better, safer, and cheaper technologies exist that are readily available, but illegal to promote due to the regulatory capture under which we live today.

Lumping fear together with logic and knowledge is unnecessary and is undesirable in the pursuit of wisdom related to health. Fear and logic are nowhere near the same and should rarely be related together.

@netuoso I see what you're saying and I can see how my above comment could come across as a sweeping statement in regard to the rejection of modern medicine.

I don't think natural cures are always the answer and I have read horror stories about how children have died because their parents never took them to a doctor. The point I'm trying to make is that society as a whole medicates as soon as it's suspicious of a disease or sickness. In the case of a cold, I don't know why one would take steroids that are harmful to your body in other ways rather than just rest. ADHD obviously is in a different realm of medicineand I'm not an expert on the subject. What I can tell you is that I've seen people gain weight, get seizures, lose their sensibilities, and transform into people I cannot recognize on drugs like Ritalin. I don't argue that it may be helpful to some, but I do see how that type of medicine damages your body.

Yeah I agree that big pharma pushes drugs instead of cures. I don't medicate at the first sign of illness but if it gets debilitating of course I would.

I think it seems that we are on a similar page.

I don't think @sbrukh was 'lumping' them together, but making a rather good point, that people seem to rush and rely on medication (some quite dangerous) rather than trying to boost natural immunity or find natural methods. I tend to agree.

As a child when one of us kids caught something we were all placed together so we all caught it and it built up our immune systems and we never caught it again. When they first pushed for vaccines (polio) one of my siblings received the shot and there started her life long battle with her immune system. The rest of us had to be inoculated at least 3 times because their "shots" did not work on us, our immune systems were built up against whatever was in the shot. Only 1 time have I ever received a flu shot and I was sick for over a year from it, I am not knocking modern medicine and know there are places for it but I quit having any faith in their chemical cocktails to heal most issues and prefer my herbals that work with my body and not fight my body to get back into wellness. Great topic so will share it.

Great post. Thank you!

I have a son and i also choice not to vaccine him, from his birth until now fortuned he never get heavy sick

“Many illnesses (such as measles, mumps, …) are typically quite mild, easy to recover from and unlikely to cause long-term complications when contracted naturally during childhood.”

Mild? - Sure.
There are about 400 children dying from measles EVERY DAY.
10-20% of all sickened children get complications.

Really an awesome disease to have. It sickens me how you can really say that measles are typically quite mild.

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Immunizations are very harmful. Just look at the exploding epidemic of autism...

and the exploding epidemic of auto-immune inflammatory diseases...

And the exploding epidemic of smartphones involved in traffic accidents.

It is not just the vaccines, toxic food and drink, anti bacterial products, toxic cleaning products, toxic pest control products to kill other life forms that get too close. People need to get back in touch with nature, they have an immune system to protect them, some sickness is natural and part of life, toxic chemicals are not.

This is a great point. People seem to try to eliminate ALL bacteria from their surroundings when some exposure may be benefical. Not to mention the side effects of all these toxic chemicals on the body.

Exactly, the chemicals in the antibacterial products will do you more harm than the bacteria they kill.

Also big changes in the ways we build our houses and we live is causing serious damage to our immune system, as mold toxins are extremely harmful and have been increasing as we've been taking care of our houses less and less, while cleaning with wrong cleaning products to make room for the most harmful types of bacteria and mold.

i agree with you alot. these days all we do is to create shortcut for everything. i'm not saying is bad but there are some things that are best when they follow their full course e.g immunity

I have a daughter and I choice don't vaccine her

Until now everything is ok!

When I was a kid back in the 1960s, there weren't very many vaccines that were given, nothing like today.

Living in a non urban environment means you are exposed to less potential diseases from people. Human to human diseases are of much graver concern than something you might pick up from "prepp(ing) your food on a rock".

Other people vaccinating further prevent you from getting dieseases. We don't need every single person to vaccinate, just enough to have herd immunity from vaccinations.

I posted about this before with the same conclusion.

You can't take one little piece and use it as evidence for the whole. Be careful telling people that vaccinating or not is good or bad unless you have a medical degree and non anecdotal evidence to support your hypothesis and theories.

Hopefully everyone perform their own research and gathers enough evidence to make an informed decision. But if I could go back in time and choose to vaccinate myself or not, I would choose to vaccinate myself with no delay.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Herd immunity is what you get when people contract a disease, recover and are immune for the rest of their lives.....fact. Vaccines wear off and require multiple new doses to remain "effective" so that means every adult that hasn't had all the vaccines again in the last 3 to 10 years are all at risks of infection and represent a massive proportion of the population. There can be no herd immunity under such circumstances. Strange that we don't see an absolute explosion in infectious diseases. Could it be because there are other, more important factors like sanitation and nutrition status? There is so much misinformation out there.

Well I never said vaccines are the only thing to consider.

This world has gmchsnged greatly. Humans live longer than ever before. We have never technology that may be good or bad. We pass on hereditary diseases for a lot longer because we have more kids that live for longer.

The main food people eat these days starting from infancy is sugar. Carbs are a huge part of modern diet while people think fats are deadly. Health care is expensive so people often just choose to forego it. Etc etc etc.

There are numerous things that contribute or detract from a humans life span. I think that is obvious.

Taking two kids and giving one vaccinations and the other not then having them live in different areas is a horribly uncontrolled experiment because the differences between the two would be drastic. Medicine needs to be used wisely but to encourage people to just wait vaccinating when there is no evidence that it will do what you think is scary.

I fully agree with promoting people to learn more and educate themselves. But most doctor's today seem to believe vaccinations are still necessary. If you think all doctors are shills for big pharma and their own self interest then that doesn't mean too much to you. But I'm aware that often if someone works hard enough to become a doctor it is because they wish to give back to the community through saving lives.

I'm also from a family whom did not vaccinate any of us, we were put with other children to benifit from Herd Immunity. Which comes from quarantining your child with other children whom have developing childhood diseases so that once it was passsed, thier would be "Herd Immunity". Vaccinations does not give this beecasue you have to keep taking them and now I beleive every few years to strengthen what is temporary.

I've seen this to be a problem with the anti-vaccine movement, they cherry pick data that supports their views, while ignoring data that proves them wrong. Unfortunately, that is not how science works. You can't simply ignore anything that doesn't agree with your hypothesis. You can't claim that data supporting the use of vaccines is false, while using incomplete data to support your claim.

I've seen this to be a problem with the pro-vaccine movement, they cherry pick data that supports their views, while ignoring data that proves them wrong. Unfortunately, that is not how science works. You can't simply ignore anything that doesn't agree with your hypothesis. You can't claim that data supporting the knowledge that vaccines are unsafe doesn't exist, while using incomplete data to support your claim.

This knowledge is readily available to all who are interested in looking for it.

I think you forgot that every doctor is bribed by the pharma industry ;)

this is all due to commercialization.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Informative post thanks for sharing.

Great post!
I'm glad that you are talking about this.
It is good for people to hear the experiences of someone who is totally unvaccinated.

It would be better to hear the stories of people who were unvaccinated and died due to illnesses they could have easily protected themselve against. Unfortunately they can not since they are dead.

In the extremely rare cases of someone dying of something like measles, the media will blast the story out there over and over and over again. So those very few stories are already being told to the masses.

But in the overwhelmingly abundant number of cases where there is vaccine injury (or healthy unvaccinated people) the stories get shot down, ignored, or mocked. So yes, I want the other side of the story to be able to be spoken about.

I'm proud of @synesthesia for speaking out, even though she knew that should be mocked and harassed.

"In the extremely rare cases of someone dying of something like measles"

You are right - why bother about something which just kills 400 kids per day. Vaccines are way worse and kill thousands daily ;)

That is not in countries with proper sanitation, sewage and water systems.
I grew up in the days of measles, mumps, etc and nobody was dying of it (unless they were already very immune compromised and could have died of the flu too.)

However, I hear vaccine injury stories here in North America ALL THE TIME;
including from some of my best friends.
They are NOT lying.

One of my good friends almost died from the MMR shot at age 5. She stopped breathing and had to be revived and was hospitalized for months. Her doctors admitted it was the vaccine.

Children are much sicker today than they were when I was a child. (I'm 48.)
BUT the unvaccinated children that I know are WAY healthier than average children.

I believe what I see with my own eyes.
You can stop wasting your time trying to make me afraid of the measles.
I would not be scared one little bit if my children got the measles.

I wish that you would stop the fear mongering.

"I grew up in the days of measles, mumps, etc and nobody was dying of it "

In 1980 you should have been about 9 years? 2,6 million people died from measles alone that year ;)

Your friend probably suffered an anaphlactic shock? Could be from the vaccine, sure! Really rare though. But that is actually one of the reasons why you should just ge vaccinated when a doctor with adrenaline is around ;)

"Children are much sicker today than they were when I was a child."
Really? What do you mean with sick?
fat? - yes there are more fat kids today - but i guess you don't want to blame vaccines for that. And of course a lot of the overweights get serious health problems.
unhealthy lifestyle? yes

But let us look at the death rate of kids. From 1990 to 2013 this rate dropped by over 50%..

"I would not be scared one little bit if my children got the measles."
Beeing afraid to a healthy extend is one of the things which keep you alive. I just hope that your children have the luck to stay healthy and profit from the ones around who got the vaccines.

If you don't like vaccines - ok. Stupid but ok. But if you say that measles aren't that bad that is just plain ignorance of facts. And a punch in the face of millions of parents who lost their kids to a disease which could be wiped out with vaccines.

I don't mean fat.
I mean asthma, food allergies, auto-immune conditions, learning disorders, autism, ear infections and taking a long time to recover from illnesses.

Measles is good for you! Doctors used to know that children would often have a growth spurt afterwards, or allergies would disappear afterwards, and even in some instances leukemia disappeared after a bout of the measles.
They have even recently injected a HUGE dose of measles into a person dying of cancer, and the cancer receded.

Measles is like exercise for the immune system.

And my mom never even thought of taking any of me or my sibling in to the doctor for measles or mumps.
You are just using scare tactics again and I'm getting tired of it.

p.s. What you are saying is a punch in the face to the thousands upon thousands (perhaps millions) of people who have children that have died or become permanently injured from vaccines. Those lives matter and I am speaking up for them and will NOT stop.

"Measles is good for you! "
Wow, you are even more ignorant than I thought. One of the most deathly viruses in the last century is supposed to be good. Interesting attitude.

"Measles is like exercise for the immune system."
And jumping from 30 feet is good for bone developement?

This is my last post directed to you, it just makes me sad how ignorant you are. I can understand people who are scared of vaccines or dislike them due to personal history/experience. But saying that measles are good is just so deeply stupid. I can't even describe how sad I feel right now.

natural immunity good

I was talking with a future doctor about vaccinations. She doesn't understand why people don't get them. I was vaccinated as a child. I feel as though there is one time around the year where I get sick. At least once. Now that I have begun consuming more herbs and natural foods, I don't get sick anymore.

I wish I had concrete evidence as to why they're good and bad for us.

I completely agree with this point. I don't trust vaccines at all and although I'll admit a few of them do seem extremely important there are far too many given these days and there are studies that have proven them to be extremely harmful. I never take a flu shot and this year I caught it but I still don't regret anything. I've gone my whole life without getting one and I still refuse to. Lets hope I can fight off the next strain!

From what I have read, the flue shot only contains 3 strains and often they are not the ones circulating at the time, so the shot is ineffective anyway. The flue virus keeps mutating, so trying to get ahead of it is kind of impossible.

A very good post 👍👍👍, thank you for sharing this very important information ,thank you @Sinestesia ,votes me.


Thank you for this post

No vaccines, No problems!

So true. Same beliefs here. I've always said to someone talking down to me pro vaccine wise......." you have nothin' to worry about, you're vaccinated and immune right? Thank you for your concern for my well being. Have a wonderful day."

Nature itself prepares you to live in it. It is the best vaccine.

These Injections have taken over immunity strength of people .

I totally agree with you. The vaccine programmes have turned into an incidious profit generating scam enabled by corrupt politicians.
So many people are permanently damaged and the numbers are increasing on a yearly basis. It's good to hear from an unvaccinated person who is in good health as an example to those who are still on the fence.
We'll done for advertising CaCo's work too, she is an amazing writer.
Thanks for your work and if your interested please take a look at a related post I dropped yesterday.
Please keep up spreading the message.

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