Forrest Maready's Are you Crooked theory?

in vaccines •  7 years ago  (edited)

Many years ago, I attended the Conscious Life Health Expo in Los Angeles to watch this speaker a Dr. Andrew Moulden. I had heard of Moulden from a therapist that worked with my son, Aydan. She said she had been at a speaking engagement where Moulden was also a speaker and he was doing a slide show of pictures, showing people with vaccine injury and how each had a crooked face, lazy eye or combination of the two. He had worked as a doctor with patients who suffered strokes and he began to notice that many people with other types of neurological disorders had the same type of droppy face. He theorized that vaccine injury caused micro-strokes that would result in anything from autism to Alzheimer's. He made a compelling argument. Despite being a very credentialed doctor, he was thought of by the pro-vaccine community as a quack. Unfortunately, he passed away a few years ago.

If you have the time, I strongly suggesting reading this article elaborating on Moulden and his work as I am in no way doing it justice with this very brief synopsis.

Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm:

No one that I have seen, has really picked up this crooked theory and ran with it until the end of last year. Forrest Maready a layman such as myself.. a parent, researcher and broadcaster started making videos about his upcoming book, "Are You Crooked?"

I immediately thought he was following in Moulden's foot-steps until I watched all of his videos including the long description which is over two hours.

I found Maready was taking this further and he didn’t actually come to the conclusion micro-strokes were occurring resulting in cranial nerve damage. His theory was that a series of events happening simultaneously had to occur resulting in the damage and those events were..

  1. Pathogen interaction
  2. Neurotoxin injection i.e. Mercury, Aluminum... (as ingestion provides a much different outcome)
  3. Physical suppression

Whoa.... What do you think would cause all those things to happen at once???

As I watched the full explanation, I got chills... It made so much sense and had confirmed many pieces of the puzzle I had suspected for years but he was able to put them together in a comprehensive way.

I knew that there was a trauma component and wrote about in my article the

"Emotional Trauma of Vaccination. "

I mean... Where I come from if you are force-ably penetrated against your will that's called rape!! A small baby or toddler who has no clue what you're doing can only fight for their lives, hence activating a the 'fight or flight' response. Maready goes on to explain how the survival response is different in males and females, possibly making sense of why so many more boys have autism than girls (5 to 1, I believe).

"Ep113- How Girls Avoid Autism, Finally Explained [My Incredible Opinion]: "

Males will first try to fight their way out, if that doesn't work and their unable to get away from their abuser, they go into a disassociation state causing them to 'tap out'. The brain then becomes immediately inflamed allowing for toxins and pathogens to enter. As the body calls for help from white blood cells to kill the pathogens, the cells are flooded with aluminum hence allowing aluminum to enter the inflamed parts of the brain and body resulting in cranial nerve damage..

"Discovery of "Shockingly High" Levels of Aluminum in Brains of Individuals with Autism Suggests Link with Aluminum-Containing Vaccines: "

Now we can see where this is going...

But don't take my word for it, watch the videos and get a copy of his book. I so rarely buy books as I'm on a budget. If I can get something from the library that's what I'll do.. I also have little time for reading, so tend to get books on audio if that's an option. However, when I heard about Maready's theories, I knew this was a must have... I pre-ordered and waited with baited breath for it's arrival.

I will be digging in and posting a review(s) as I go.

I know many people may dismiss Maready as just a 'parent'.. He's not a scientist or a doctor.. Why read his book or watch his videos? This is always really funny to me as whenever I have been asked for my 'credentials' to validate my research into vaccination, I always respond, 'No, I'm not a doctor or a scientist... I'm better than that.. I'm a mom'. When you're 'just a parent' with a vaccine injured child, you aren't looking for paid incentives and trips to Hawaii from pharmaceutical or insurance companies... You're just looking for the truth! Knowing the truth is the first step in ending the worst holocaust in human history.

Okay.. so off the soap-box I go... I've got some reading to do...

Other citations for this article is as follows:

-Learn more and buy book at "Are You Crooked?"

-144 Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link:

-Aydan's Road to Recovery:

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