Are the dynasts attempting to destroy the sovereignty of all nations?

in vaers •  4 years ago 


CNN is saying 45% of Americans (and "only" 30% of North Americans) are fully "vaccinated". Since CNN lies like the Oscars' Red Carpet I think we might figure that that 45% figure is also a lie. The powers that be are saying that all these Americans have been jabbed (even though "vaccine hesitancy" is plainly growing) so that they can say the numbers of people dying from the jabs are an insignificant proportion. VAERS gets and publishes 1% of vaccine injuries, that's well established. So their official tally of 5000 deaths among 650,000 injuries has to be multiplied by 90 times at least. Around half a million Americans are likely to have died from these jabs and about 50 million or more have likely been injured.

It is rumoured that the jabs are largely placebo to tease the public into complaisance and that once the public has been fooled the real poison will be in the “boosters” later on. I don’t think the "boosters" will have such an easy time being distributed. People will not stand still for this, not when news of this catastrophe is already so hot. There is speculation that much of the jabs are placebo? So many deaths and injuries would argue that so far we in North America are being served the real poison. In my experience and my increasingly bitter opinion, our governments are that stupid and rotten and uncaring.

But I wonder about China. I suspect that the Chinese government got onto the Big Pharma con very early, realized as early as last April that the disease is not dangerous and what they are mostly worried about is mass panic among their people. The memories of mass social disruption and starvation caused by Mao’s deadly fanaticism are very fresh in China. The government must be realizing at least by now that mRNA injections are deadlier than the disease and adenovirus based injections are also deadly. The Chinese and Russian jabs are adenovirus based (according to their official account) as are the AstroZeneca and J&J jabs which are causing so much death in Europe. The Chinese government are not interested in killing millions of their people with these injections, for that would cause a mass panic and a loss of economic activity at least. They are interested in China getting back to production, that's why they have dumped all the lockdown restrictions over a year ago. So are their injections placebo, at least mostly, for show to the public and to the international financial dictators like the WEF? And is Russia playing the same game for the same reasons?

Both China and Russia have been under threat and under siege by US, EU and NATO sanctions and pressures. And all the world's peoples in their billions have internet connections which they have acquired in the last 20 years and which they live by. This makes Google and all social media an avenue to intimidate all national governments by mind control techniques working on the people. China and Russia are national governments like any others in the sense that they are composed of a small number of people with no scientific expertise and limited sources of information they can trust and scientific advisors unlikely to be loyal to their country more than they are to the global "Science" establishment. In my opinion the way to gain clarity is to stop thinking in terms of ideologies and think in terms of national geopolitical interests for these considerations and not ideologies are what nations move by.

What is happening now, I believe, is that fabulously wealthy and powerful international dynasts are attempting to destroy the sovereignty of all the nations including China and Russia. They have been most successful in corrupting the governments of North America; that is why our governments are so rotten and so careless with our lives. For the international dynasts who own the WEF and the WHO, ground zero is the democracy and sovereignty of the USA; this is the key to the political catastrophes of the last 10 years especially. I believe that is what World War C is all about.

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