in vagina •  7 years ago  (edited)

Regardless of what you're curious about, this crash-course in vaginal knowledge is sure to answer some of your top queries.

Given the role it plays in daily functioning, sex, and babymaking, it is a body part worth understanding whether you have one or not.

The vagina is a very special place and here are a few interesting things about it.

Part 2:


#7. It shouldn't really be surprising that the clitoris actually develops from the same area of an embryo (called the genital tabernacle) as a man's penis. Embryos also have areas called genital swellings. These develop into the scrotum in males and the labia majora in females.

#8. Each vagina has its own smell with different smells at different times of the day. The smell depends on a variety of factors, including the combination of normal bacteria that live in the vagina, diet, types of fabric a woman wears, level of hygiene, how much a woman sweats, and gland secretions.

Ex: Right out of the shower, a vagina may not smell. After running or exercise, a vagina might smell musky from all the sweat glands. A menstruating vagina may smell like iron, and when a vagina has an overgrowth of yeast, it may smell like bread. After intercourse, a vagina may smell faintly like bleach, as semen has a smell of its own. If there is an overgrowth of bacteria, the vagina may smell like fish.

#9. There are 8,000 nerve endings in the clitoris, while the penis has only 4,000. This is why the tiny area is the most sensitive part of a woman’s erogenous zone. Powerful sensations can spread across a woman’s pelvic area by affecting 15,000 other nerve endings.


#10. Vaginas are also strong enough to clamp down on penises. This is known as ‘penis captivus’. It is a rare occurrence in intercourse when the muscles in the vagina, clamp down with intensity on the penis, which makes it impossible for the penis to withdraw from the vagina.

#11. It’s impossible to lose a tampon, condom, or anything else in your vagina. The opening of the uterus is too small for anything to go through it, unless you’re giving birth, of course. The vagina is not an open conduit to the abdominal cavity. While tiny, microscopic sperm can swim through the opening of the cervix, a tampon will never fit.

12#. In case you were unaware, vaginas are self-cleaning, too. The vagina is designed to keep itself clean with the help of natural secretions, or discharge. When washing your vagina, it’s best to avoid perfumed soaps, gels, and antiseptics, as this can affect the healthy balance of bacteria and pH levels, and even lead to irritation.

=> Continue with Part 3

Read more:

Part 1: https://steemit.com/vagina/@davidtran/36-awesome-interesting-and-surprising-facts-about-vaginas-everyone-should-know
Part 4: https://steemit.com/vagina/@davidtran/36-awesome-interesting-and-surprising-facts-about-vaginas-everyone-should-know-part-4
Part 5: https://steemit.com/vagina/@davidtran/36-awesome-interesting-and-surprising-facts-about-vaginas-everyone-should-know-part-5
Part 6: https://steemit.com/vagina/@davidtran/36-awesome-interesting-and-surprising-facts-about-vaginas-everyone-should-know-part-6

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