in valentine-steem •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hello to all photography lovers!

First of all, I would like to thank all the participants of this first ❤ VALENTINE'S DAY PHOTO CONTEST 2019 ❤.

Here is the winner of this Day #6, who will be selected for the final and also the other participants whose work was great! I voted all your blogs and I invite you to participate in the LAST DAY! 🙌
I can't wait to see your work!

  • Each user has 1 entry per day that will be valid for the challenge.

  • It's possible to join the contest at any time. Let's play guys!

THE DAILY WINNER IS: @itchyfeetdonica

Hey hey, starting from today I'll share some flatlay photos I did. Most pictures I posted here before were from my travels on the road - landscape, people, architecture, etc.. While I also had lots of flatlay photos done when I was at home or in the office. Actually this type of photos are pretty popular on some stock sites. =)

I created the head image here as my entry for the VALENTINE'S DAY PHOTO CONTEST 2019 by @flamingirl. As you can see, the concept is quite simple and straightforward: "LOVE" made by a lipstick, a donut and cut rose petals. :)

Here are the components I got (everything started from the lovely donuts in a supermarket on Valentine's Day ;p):

So I first put the sweet donut covered with little "hearts" on a piece of pink cardstock, and used a red lipstick to write down the letters "L" and "V". Then I cut a rose petal into 4 stripes to make a letter "E". At last, shoot it with my phone. That's it! Easy peasy lemon squeezy! ;)

👆 These are the original colors. With the Pantone color of 2019 in mind, I made the head image into something closer to Living Coral... ;)

Hope you enjoy this LOVE flatlay I did, and stay tuned for more flatlay photos from me! 🙂

嗨~ 今天开始,我打算陆续分享一些自己拍的flatlay照片,这种平铺俯拍片近几年在Ins上和各图库网站比较流行,常见的有一桌好吃的或办公用品、一地护肤品或化妆品、一地图的旅行用品之类。在Steem这一年多来,我发的照片大都是旅途中随性而为的抓拍,好像还没包括这种在家或办公室摆拍小物件的照片。这次先来张“LOVE”主题的平拍,是为参加@flamingirl情人节主题的活动。😊


超市买的洒满粉色系💗的甜甜圈构成O + 口红涂的L和V + 剪的4条玫瑰花瓣🌹拼成E

虽然我个人比较喜欢黄绿和大地色系,但这些❤满满的女性化小东西似乎应该搭配粉色的卡纸,放地板上,手机咔嚓一下就完成了。。。 是不是炒鸡容易?🙂 因为Pantone发布的2019流行色是活力珊瑚橙,我又调了张调子暖一点的作为这里的题图。

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多


2: @janicechua

Today is Chinese valentine’s day which fall on the last day of Chinese New Year! I would like to take this opportunity to join @flamingirl photo contest.

Frankly speaking after married for ten years we don’t really celebrate valentine’s day and no gift exchange.I think the best gift is the companion. I appreciate the little things hubby does for me, although most of the time we take little things as granted.

I am blessed
💗he prepares breakfast for the kids (sometimes for me) before school so I can have more time to prepare myself for work.
💗he takes care of the kids when I have assignments or classes after work or during weekend.
💗he helps me to massage my back and leg after see me so tired after the Long day.
💗he prepares fruit juice and lemon Chia seeds drink for me as I don’t take much vege.
💗he drives me to work so I can nap in the car.
💗and many more

Thank you @itrmarcusliew for everything, and looking forward for our 11th anniversary honeymoon 🥰

One more day for the photo contest, show me your valentine’s 💗
“My entry for the VALENTINE'S DAY PHOTO CONTEST 2019 by @flamingirl"



💗等 等 等


3: @iamjadeline

I found this amazing contest by @flamingirl on Valentine's Day Photo Contest and was thinking "how could I miss it?" Last year, During Valentine's Day, I joined contest at Steemit too and was having so much fun. Then, this year I missed Valentine's Day's contest. Do check out her original post here.

And then, I realise I still have the time to join...
And you too reading this, if you haven't join, join now!

❤️Happy Valentine's Day!❤️

I married a man whom I thought I would never have chance to be together with. He is 4 years younger than me and he had so many secret admirers those time. So I thought, since I am older, I would not have much chance. Now, I had spent 9 years plus with the man of my dream, and next month we will be celebrating our 10-anniversary. Throughout the 9 years plus, we had our fair share of fights and quarrels or cold wars, but we always aimed to reconcile by using the most important 3 words.

I am sorry.

I love you.

Somtimes, 4 words.

I still love you.

Here, in the photo, we celebrated our Valentine's Day with a couple of hours time together without the two boys so that we get to look into each others eyes, count our wrinkles and white hair.

At the mall, just beside the flowers' stall, he asked me whether I wanted flower. Well, he knew I am not a fan of flower. I love flowers but I find not much point receiving them as they are expensive and withered in few days.

I told him since we had the chance to chill tonight then let's get "Chill Chill" drink - one of our favourite drink. That night, they have special Couple-Combo. You buy a large size and get another medium size for Ringgit Malaysia RM1. What a Valentine's deal. Good deal and satisfied taste-bud.

4: @scarletskylor

This is a card I got from one of my family. She likes to send homemade cards. I think what's best about homemade cards, is that they're made with love, and they're special and unique. Plus, it's probably less expensive than buying one from the store. It's very nice to get things like this in the mail, even if it's small.

I took this picture myself.

This is for a Valentine's Day photo contest made by @flamingirl

Thank you for reading this.

Congratulations @itchyfeetdonica and Thank you to all participants!!!

See you soon for the DAY #7 of the ❤ VALENTINE'S DAY PHOTO CONTEST 2019 ❤


If you liked reading this article, feel free to FOLLOW ME, UPVOTE and RESTEEM! It's always appreciated =D. Thank you all for your support and see you soon for the news flamingirl's adventures!

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Wow well done @itchyfeetdonica! So lovely donuts artwork:)

Thanks for the mentioned 💗@flamingirl

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks Janice! =)

Yaaay~ thanks for the feature! :)


Hope these pictures qualify for the contest! My wife is a custom nails vendor and did a Valentines event recently.IMG_1390.jpg

Wow thank you!! I can see more new ideas !!

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago 


Posted using Partiko Android

Congratulations to the winners

Posted using Partiko Android